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weak rock是什么意思,weak rock的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 软弱岩石

  • 例句

  • In the limit, for very weak rock, settlement at the boundary can also occur before the separation crack.


  • It shows that the gripper pads pressure will cause the shearing and tension failure of the weak rock mass.


  • For example, relatively soft material, such as soil, gravel, loose or weak rock, can be removed by digging.


  • The principle of a new static loading test method for weak rock masses, a method of borehole elastic modulus gauge, is described.


  • Indicate: the change of temperature and pore press will produce certain influence to the stability of roadway, especially to weak rock.


  • 网络扩展资料

    词性 (Part of Speech)

    形容词 (Adjective)

    解释 (Definition)

    1. 没有力量或能力的;缺乏力气的。如:弱不禁风。
    2. 没有抵抗力或防御能力的;易受攻击的。如:弱点。
    3. 没有影响力或号召力的。如:弱势群体。
    4. 数量、程度不足或不充分的。如:弱光。

    例句 (Examples)

    1. His weak body couldn't handle the heavy lifting. (他瘦弱的身体无法承受重物的搬运。)
    2. The country's weak economy is in need of reform. (这个国家经济疲软,需要改革。)
    3. The team's weak defense led to their defeat. (这个团队防守薄弱导致他们失败。)

    近义词 (Synonyms)

    虚弱 (Frail), 衰弱 (Feeble), 疲弱 (Faint), 薄弱 (Inadequate)

    反义词 (Antonyms)

    强壮 (Strong), 有力 (Powerful), 有抵抗力 (Resistant)

    岩石 (Rock)

    词性 (Part of Speech)

    名词 (Noun)

    解释 (Definition)

    1. 由一种或多种矿物质组成的天然物质,可以是坚硬的或软的,可以被用于建筑、道路、雕刻等。如:石头、石灰岩。
    2. 用于比喻意义上,表示坚固、可靠、不变的事物。如:他是我们团队中的一块坚强的岩石。

    例句 (Examples)

    1. The hiker climbed up the steep rock face. (登山者攀登陡峭的岩石表面。)
    2. The construction crew used dynamite to blast through the stubborn rock. (建筑工人使用炸药炸开顽强的岩石。)
    3. The foundation of the building is made of solid rock. (大楼的基础是由坚实的岩石构成的。)

    近义词 (Synonyms)

    石头 (Stone), 石块 (Rubble), 石料 (Quarry)

    反义词 (Antonyms)

    水 (Water), 沙子 (Sand), 泥土 (Soil)

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/weak+rock.html
