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with a few exceptions是什么意思,with a few exceptions的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 有些例外

  • 例句

  • With a few exceptions, abbreviations and acronyms should not be used in element, attribute, and type names.


  • With a few exceptions, the technique for building a skyscraper is similar whether you are in Europe or you are in Singapore.


  • With a few exceptions, such as computers, what is produced and consumed is assumed to be of constant quality.


  • Most of these are simple strings, with a few exceptions.


  • However, with a few exceptions, the overall business process is similar for all customers who use the same store.


  • No country between the Baltic, Black and Adriatic seas can boast a strong reformist government, and with a few exceptions the farther east you go, the worse it gets.


  • With a few exceptions, such as the partial opening of retailing to foreign investment and the privatisation of the two biggest airports, reforms have stalled since the government took office in 2004.


  • The cool things are happening at the intersections of fields, not deep, deep, deep in a field — with a few exceptions.


  • Though intensely studied, the quakes have baffled scientists for decades -- with a few exceptions, strong earthquakes occur exclusively where tectonic plates are grinding past one another.


  • He had no faith in progress or people: In the depths of my heart I can't help being convinced that my dear fellow men, with a few exceptions, are worthless.


  • With a few exceptions, like Norway, which opts for disclosure, you cannot tell what a sovereign-wealth fund's objectives are, precisely how much money it manages and where it has made its investments.


  • With a few exceptions, media firms have found ithard to make money online.


  • With a few exceptions, Coca-Cola owns no bottling plants or retail stores, leaves the profit from these operations to be made by others.


  • With a few exceptions, such as Israel's, governments usually fail in attempts to boost entrepreneurship, according to Boulevard of Broken Dreams, a book by Josh Lerner of Harvard Business School.


  • With a few exceptions, NTP budgets do not include the costs associated with using general health system resources, such as staff and infrastructure for TB control.


  • In a paper due out this year in the journal Emotion, Mr. Kraus and his co-authors, Cassy Huang and Dr. Keltner, report that with a few exceptions, good teams tended to be touchier than bad ones.


  • Let's say, hypothetically of course, that… someone… could know what people are thinking, read minds, you know — with a few exceptions.

    “比方说,当然只是假设,那么……某个人……能知道别人心里在想什么,你知道的,读心——但总有几个例外。” “只有一个例外。”

  • But with a few exceptions like cars, many of Japan’s efficient consumer products have yet to make their way overseas, according to corporate executives.


  • The extraction filter template file looks similar to a standard extraction filter file with a few exceptions.


  • The relations between the Assembly and the Council were not explicitly defined, and their competencies, with a few exceptions, were much the same.


  • With a few exceptions, an oral agreement is enforceable but will often be hard to prove.


  • Since it is an economic crisis, most people seeking its intellectual roots are tempted to begin with economists, who, with a few exceptions, look particularly discredited.

    由于它是一场经济危机,多数人都不自觉地从经济学家那儿开始挖它的学术根子。 除了一些例外,经济学家的公信力大打折扣。

  • With a few exceptions (like Norway's), most do not even bother to reveal what their goals are—let alone their investments.


  • 网络扩展资料

    单词:with a few exceptions,意为“有一些例外”。


    1. With a few exceptions, everyone in the office was happy about the new policy.(除了少数人外,办公室里的每个人都对新政策感到高兴。)
    2. The restaurant serves mostly Italian food, with a few exceptions like sushi and dumplings.(这家餐厅主要提供意大利菜,但也有一些例外,如寿司和饺子。)


    with a few exceptions常用于描述一个大部分都是某个情况或者某个特点,但是也有一些例外的情况。可以用于形容人群、食品、产品、规则等等。


    with a few exceptions是一个固定搭配,表示除了一些例外情况外的大部分情况。这个短语经常被用于强调例外,让读者或听众知道大部分情况是什么,但也有一些例外。


    • except for a few(除了几个)
    • except for some(除了一些)
    • mostly(大部分)


    • without exception(没有例外)

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/with+a+few+exceptions.html
