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Democratic Republic of Congo是什么意思,Democratic Republic of Congo的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 刚果民主共和国

  • 例句

  • She started her own group for victims of conflict after living as a single mom in a refugee camp in the Democratic Republic of Congo.


  • The shy okapi – which resembles a cross between a zebra and a giraffe –was first discovered in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1901.


  • Asian nations are helping to prevent nuclear proliferation in Iran, build schools and clinics in Afghanistan, keep peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and combat piracy off the Horn of Africa.


  • The international committee of the Red Cross says more than 70 people have died in a boat accident in the Democratic Republic of Congo.


  • Last year, a silverback alpha male gorilla, the leader of his group, and three females were shot and killed in Virunga national park, in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

    去年, 一只银背阿尔法雄性大猩猩,也是他群落的首领,和三只雌性的大猩猩在刚果民主共和国的维龙加国家公园被射杀。

  • Two medical anthropologists are already in Uige and will be joined shortly by experts in social mobilization from Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Mozambique.


  • The Board has just issued its second report, which expresses concern about the challenges in Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, and Angola.


  • During epidemic periods prevalence reached 50% in several villages in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Angola and Southern Sudan.


  • In the Democratic Republic of Congo peacekeepers escorted villagers travelling long distances to a market in North Kivu.


  • President Sarkozy is focusing on three francophone nations, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Republic of Congo and Niger.


  • Officials say at least 72 people are missing after a boat capsized on Lake Kivu in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.


  • UN officials are considering a number of alternatives, including rushing in peacekeepers currentlydeployed in the Democratic Republic of Congo, says the BBC's Nick Bryant.


  • So it was with Francois Hollande, who has just visited Senegal and the Democratic Republic of Congo.


  • Western mineral firms are fuelling violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo by failing to check where their raw materials come from, activists say.


  • And the government of Belgium is supporting the project in a former colony, now the Democratic Republic of Congo.


  • We were scared. We don't even know (our neighbor) Rwanda…how can we go to India? says Moyoonia Olive from Democratic Republic of Congo.


  • United Nations peacekeepers have been criticised for supporting a government military offensive in the Democratic Republic of Congo.


  • Rights activists have urged the UN to change its policy in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo after a leaked report said the rebellion there was worsening.


  • 网络扩展资料

    民主共和国刚果是非洲中部的一个国家,它的英文名称是Democratic Republic of Congo。以下是有关该国名称的详细解释:


    "Democratic"是一个形容词,意思是民主的,符合民主原则的。在民主共和国刚果这个名称中, "Democratic"是指该国政治体制的民主性质。例如:

    • The Democratic Republic of Congo is a country located in central Africa. (民主共和国刚果是位于中非的一个国家。)
    • The country's constitution guarantees democratic elections and freedom of speech. (该国宪法保障了民主选举和言论自由。)



    "Republic"是一个名词,意思是共和制国家。在民主共和国刚果这个名称中, "Republic"是指该国的政治体制是共和制。例如:

    • The Democratic Republic of Congo is a republic with a president as its head of state. (民主共和国刚果是一个共和制国家,以总统为国家元首。)
    • The republic of Congo gained independence from France in 196. (刚果共和国于196年从法国获得独立。)




    • The Congo River is the deepest river in the world. (刚果河是世界上最深的河流。)
    • The Republic of the Congo and the Democratic Republic of Congo are two separate countries. (刚果共和国和民主共和国刚果是两个独立的国家。)


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