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What shall i do是什么意思,What shall i do的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 我该怎么办

  • 例句

  • If it rains, what shall I do with a coat of flowered paper?


  • Ah, save me from this, your worship—what shall I do, what can I do?


  • I never, ever sit around thinking, What shall I do next?


  • What shall I do alone in the world?


  • One day he said to himself, What shall I do with it?


  • 同义词

  • |What should I do;我该怎么办

  • 网络扩展资料

    "What shall I do" 是一个常见的英语疑问句,意思是 "我该怎么办"。下面是该短语的更详细解释:

    • 例句:

      • A: I lost my wallet on the way home. What shall I do?

        B: You should report it to the police station.

      • A: I have two job offers, but I don't know which one to choose. What shall I do?

        B: You should weigh the pros and cons of each offer before making a decision.

    • 用法:

      "What shall I do" 可以用于各种情境,表示询问对方的意见或建议,或者表达自己的困惑和无助。通常情况下,该短语会被用在口语或书面语中。

    • 解释:

      "What shall I do" 可以被视为一种请求帮助的方式,表示需要他人的建议或指示以解决某个问题。它也可以用来表达自己的感受,例如困惑、焦虑、无助等等。

    • 近义词:

      "What should I do" 是 "What shall I do" 的近义词,两者在大多数情况下可以互换使用。

    • 反义词:

      "What shall I do" 没有明确的反义词,但是该短语可以被用来回应某些问题,例如 "What should I not do"(我不应该做什么)或 "What should I avoid doing"(我应该避免做什么)等等。

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/What%2bshall%2bi%2bdo.html
