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adequate consideration是什么意思,adequate consideration的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 充分考虑;适当约因

  • 例句

  • Much litigation under NEPA relates to whether factors such as these have been given adequate consideration in environmental impact statements.


  • This principle is a prudent reaction to uncertainty and is adopted in order to ensure that adequate consideration is given to all inherent business risks.


  • Traditional reading tests pay too much attention to careful reading; while expeditious reading strategies, such as skimming and scanning, are not given adequate consideration.


  • The model has many advantages, e. g. high accuracy and adequate consideration of various factors influencing the radiative heat transfer in the combustor.


  • Second, it adopted the idea of comprehensive risk to research the risk management of colleges. The article gives adequate consideration to colleges'other risks and management besides capital risk.


  • Today's leaders haven't realised this because they do not have the information to give it adequate consideration Saying things like this is behind the times.


  • Therefore, giving consideration to adequate disk space is important.


  • Roofs require special consideration to ensure adequate durability in relation to the exposure to the sun and rain.

    ( 我们)应该考虑到屋顶的特殊性,那就是确保其持久耐用,因为它要经受阳光和雨的考验。

  • Orbits of this type can be positioned near collinear libration points, and for simplicity it is adequate to take linear terms into consideration in the control process.


  • Each Member shall accord sympathetic consideration to requests for information, and afford adequate opportunity for consultation, on any matter arising from this Agreement raised by another Member.


  • Ventilation is a major consideration in underground mining. Many mines are so deep that adequate air must be pumped in; others have problems with heat and humidity.


  • Before the corporation issues shares, the board of directors must determine that the consideration received or to be received for shares to be issued is adequate.


  • 网络扩展资料



    • The company didn't provide adequate training for the new employees. (公司没有为新员工提供足够的培训。)
    • You need to have an adequate amount of sleep to stay healthy. (你需要足够的睡眠才能保持健康。)

    用法:adequate 通常用作形容词,表示某物的数量、质量或水平已经足够满足特定的需要或要求。

    近义词:sufficient, enough, satisfactory

    反义词:insufficient, inadequate




    • The company will take your experience into consideration when deciding whether to hire you. (公司在决定是否雇佣你时会考虑你的经验。)
    • Please give some consideration to my request. (请考虑一下我的要求。)

    用法:consideration 可以用作名词或动词。作名词时,表示考虑到的事情或因素,也可表示体贴、关心。作动词时,表示认真考虑某事或某人。

    近义词:thought, reflection, deliberation

    反义词:disregard, neglect

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/adequate+consideration.html
