n. [人类] 人类活动学
Anthropokinetics(人体运动学)is a branch of biomechanics that studies the movement of the human body.
Anthropokinetics is used in a variety of fields, including sports science, physical therapy, and ergonomics. It is used to analyze and improve human movement, prevent injuries, and design equipment and environments that are comfortable and safe for human use.
Example Sentences
- The study of anthropokinetics is important for designing ergonomic workstations that reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders. (人体运动学的研究对于设计符合人体工程学的工作站减少肌肉骨骼疾病的风险非常重要。)
- Anthropokinetics can help athletes improve their performance by analyzing their movements and identifying areas for improvement. (人体运动学可以通过分析运动员的动作并确定改进的领域来帮助运动员提高他们的表现。)
Definition and Synonyms
Anthropokinetics is defined as the study of human movement. It is also known as human kinetics or kinesiology. Synonyms for anthropokinetics include biomechanics and ergonomics.
There are no direct antonyms for anthropokinetics, but opposite concepts include sedentary lifestyle and immobility.