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begin with the idea that是什么意思,begin with the idea that的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 最初的想法是……

  • 例句

  • Furthermore, their milestones were sequential, with the idea that each task must be fully completed before the next task could begin.


  • Some of the audience was visibly concerned with this idea, either assuming they did not have the expertise to perform such a task, or that it wasn't their responsibility to begin with.


  • But the most important thing you can do is begin pushing your idea forward with real customers so that you can start the process of learning and building.


  • There are lots of flavors of this, but the basic idea is that you put a tag at the beginning of a variable name saying what type it is. (So all unsigned long variables begin with ul, etc.)

    其种类很多,但基本的理念是在变量名的开始添加一个标记以表示其类型(例如,所有无符号长型变量都以 ul 开头)。

  • But in fact, what I would argue, and what you really need to kind of begin with, is this idea that an idea is a network on the most elemental level.


  • Now, let me begin by saying that I thought this was an interesting idea, and then let me continue with all the ways it failed to be as interesting as I had hoped as a role-player.


  • Begin with the things that are near you, and apply the idea to whatever your glance rests on.


  • 网络扩展资料



    • I began with the idea that we could finish the project in a month. (我开始时的想法是我们可以在一个月内完成这个项目。)
    • The author began with the idea that everyone is capable of being happy. (作者的出发点是每个人都有能力变得快乐。)


    “begin with the idea that”是一个用于描述某个行动或过程起点的短语,在句子中通常作为动词或动词短语的起始部分。它可以用于各种语境,例如:

    • 项目计划:我们可以以我们能在一个月内完成这个项目的想法开始。
    • 人生目标:我的人生目标始于我相信每个人都有能力做出积极改变的想法。
    • 创作灵感:这首歌曲的灵感始于我想用音乐来表达内心的想法。


    • Start with the belief that
    • Initiate with the notion that
    • Commence with the concept that


    “begin with the idea that”没有一个明确的反义词,但可以通过使用相反的短语或表达方式来表达相反的含义。例如:

    • I didn't begin with the idea that this would be easy. (我并没有以这是一件容易的事情为出发点。)
    • My approach was to start without any preconceived notions. (我的做法是没有任何先入为主的想法开始。)

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/begin+with+the+idea+that.html
