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blooming mill是什么意思,blooming mill的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • n. [机] 初轧机

  • 例句

  • Based on deformation features of bloom in blooming mill, the rational design method of reduction schedule is proposed.


  • Based on the structural design scheme for a type of blooming mill, the structural analysis model is established by means of the FEM software ANSYS.


  • The serious events of 1150 blooming mill main drive system driven by two AC-AC frequency conversion motors in recent year has been paid close attention to.


  • On the basis of synthetical test, the paper analysed the torsional vibration of the main drive system of 1150 blooming mill, which used thyristor power supply.


  • The blooming mill shop of wuhan Iron \u0026 Steel Co. want to reform its bloom shear for the purpose of increasing the shear force from 1600 metric ton to 2000 metric ton.


  • 同义词

  • n.|bloomer;[机]初轧机

  • 网络扩展资料

    单词 "blooming mill" 是由两个单词组成。"blooming" 是动词 "bloom" 的现在分词,意思是 "盛开" 或 "繁荣"。"mill" 是名词,指的是 "磨坊" 或 "轧钢厂"。

    "blooming mill" 是一个专业术语,特指生产钢材的工厂,主要用于将钢锭加工成板材、棒材、线材等产品。以下是一些例句和用法:

    • The blooming mill processes steel ingots into various products.(轧钢厂将钢锭加工成不同的产品。)

    • The blooming mill was shut down for maintenance last week.(轧钢厂上周停工进行维修。)

    • The company invested millions in upgrading its blooming mill.(公司投资数百万升级了其轧钢厂。)


    • 近义词:rolling mill, steel mill, foundry
    • 反义词:steel scrap, steel recycling plant

    总之,"blooming mill" 是一个专业术语,指的是生产钢材的工厂,主要用于将钢锭加工成不同的产品。

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/blooming+mill.html
