corporate charter是什么意思,corporate charter的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句
[经管] 公司执照;公司注册证;公司章程
So you write a corporate charter that puts in place various safeguards: this is your contract with the shareholders.
The corporate charter authorizes the corporation to issue and all sell shares of stock, or transfer theownership, to enable the corporation to raise money.
The corporate charter authorizes the corporation to issue and all sell shares of stock, or transfer the ownership, to enable the corporation to raise money.
You begin by applying for a corporate charter . And then stockholders hold a meeting to organize the corporation, an individual has limited liablity and the right.
But the corporation law has not set down the corporate charter invalidity system, so that if corporate charter is invalid in practice and so on, we can not solve it.
单词:corporate charter
- The corporate charter outlines the structure and purpose of the company.(企业章程规定了公司的结构和目的。)
- The board of directors amended the corporate charter to reflect changes in ownership.(董事会修改了企业章程以反映所有权变化。)
- corporate charter 的用法是作为一个名词,通常放在形容词 corporate 前面。
- 可以使用动词 amend 来描述对企业章程的修改。
- 企业章程是一个公司的基本组织文件,它规定了公司的组织形式、管理结构、股份分配、股东权益等方面的规定。
- 企业章程具有法律效力,它为公司内部的各种管理行为提供了准则和指导。
- articles of incorporation:指一份公司成立的文件,它包含了公司的名称、地址、股东、股份分配等信息。
- bylaws:指一份公司内部的规章制度,它规定了公司的运营方式、董事会成员的选举方式等方面的规定。
- dissolution:指公司解散的过程,它通常发生在公司无法继续经营或者被收购的情况下。
- liquidation:指公司解散后的清算过程,它包括清理公司的债务和资产等事项。
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