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eliminate noise是什么意思,eliminate noise的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 消除噪声

  • 例句

  • Before test the ultrasonic propagation time, we also use the digital filtering algorithm in the sampled signal to better eliminate noise and improve accuracy.


  • The collecting device has the advantages of simpler structure and less maintenance amount, can eliminate noise, and protects quality of the steel pipe surface.


  • And compared with the traditional processing approach, these algorithms not only effectively eliminate noise, but also maintain the image edge details advantage.


  • The door latch is small in size and occupies little space; it is easily to use and eliminate noise with rotary damper and greatly upgrade the levelof the products.


  • It proposes using parallel difference filters to suppress backgrounds, using logic and method to eliminate noise and using recursive method to cumulate the target tracks.


  • 网络扩展资料

    单词 eliminate 的意思是消除或排除,通常用来描述某种问题或难题的解决。例如:

    • We need to eliminate all the possible sources of error in our experiment. (我们需要排除实验中所有可能的误差来源。)

    • The company is planning to eliminate some of its non-profitable business units. (公司计划削减一些不盈利的业务部门。)

    单词 noise 则表示噪音或杂音,通常是指在声音、图像、数据等方面的干扰。例如:

    • The music was drowned out by the noise of traffic. (音乐被交通噪音淹没了。)

    • The image quality was affected by the noise in the video signal. (视频信号中的噪声影响了图像质量。)

    当这两个单词组合在一起时,eliminate noise 的意思就是消除噪音,通常用于描述人们在尝试消除某种干扰或噪声时所采取的措施。例如:

    • The noise-cancelling headphones can effectively eliminate the background noise. (降噪耳机可以有效地消除背景噪音。)

    • We need to eliminate the noise in the data to get a more accurate result. (我们需要消除数据中的噪声,以获得更准确的结果。)


    • reduce noise:减少噪音

    • filter out noise:滤除噪声

    • suppress noise:抑制噪声

    反义词:add noise (添加噪音)

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/eliminate+noise.html
