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  • n. 置于神龛中;珍藏;铭记

  • 例句

  • Early popular gay and collective enshrinement enshrinement, hundreds of people buried in a public cemetery, arranged in an orderly manner.


  • In a Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame full of political appointees as' contributors' to the game, Yao deserves enshrinement for a global impact perhaps impossible to measure.


  • Abstr: The finding of the Buddhism enshrinement in the wooden pagoda of Yingxian County provides convincing real object proof for the research of the block printing in the Liao Dynasty.

    文章摘要: 应县木塔辽代秘藏的发现,给辽代雕版印刷研究提供了有力的实物证据。

  • Former NBA player and 2009 inductee Michael Jordan speaks during the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame Class of 2009 Enshrinement Ceremony in Springfield, Massachusetts September 11, 2009.

    2009年的NBA名人堂颁奖仪式在马萨诸塞州的春田市举行。前n BA球员迈克尔·乔丹9月11日正式进入美国篮球名人堂。

  • 同义词

  • n.|imprinting/Reserva;置于神龛中;珍藏;铭记

  • 网络扩展资料

    词性: 名词

    发音: [ɪnˈʃraɪnmənt]

    定义: 将某物置于神圣的地位或地方

    用法: 这个词通常用于描述将某物视为神圣或重要的行为,例如将某个人或概念放置于特殊的位置或地方,以示尊重和纪念。


    • The enshrinement of the national flag in the Capitol building is a symbol of American values.(国旗在国会大厦中的供奉象征着美国的价值观。)
    • The enshrinement of the Buddha's tooth relic is a significant event in Sri Lankan culture.(佛牙舍利的供奉是斯里兰卡文化中的重要事件。)

    近义词: reverence, veneration, adoration

    反义词: disrespect, irreverence, sacrilege

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/enshrinement.html
