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excessive competition是什么意思,excessive competition的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 过度竞争

  • 例句

  • The blind faith in the fact that competition will invariably lead to greater economic welfare also avoids studies on excessive competition in economic life.


  • This has led to excessive competition in the 21 century, featuring that local government sacrifice financial revenue and farmers' interests for capital influx into their development zones.


  • Chinese aviation transportaion is not only small-scale, but also has excessive competition seriously phenomenon.


  • We come to a conclusion that'excessive competition' is a false proposition.


  • It leads not only to the loss of scale economy and the emergence of excessive competition, but only to the surplus of production capacity and make against the increase of industrial competitiveness.


  • Then using Stackelberg model and step analysis, this article points out that suitable investment level can prevent the potential entrants and avoid the emergence of excessive competition.


  • Then using Stackelberg model and step analysing, the article points out the suitable investment level can prevent the potential entrants, avoiding the emergence of excessive competition.


  • Excessive competition is an important obstacle of the circulating industry operating healthily.


  • The state-owned forestry enterprises are falling into excessive competition, so it is urgent for them to withdraw.


  • As the engagement environment of CPAs deteriorates, there is excessive competition among accounting firms in China.


  • The diversification is an effective way for the port enterprises to avoid the excessive competition and disperse the risk, and it is also an inevitable choice when ports own a certain scale.


  • Due to the existence of entry barrier and the absence of effective exit mechanism, China's banking takes on coexistence phase of excessive competition.


  • The industrial clusters intensify competition, but they also cause partial excessive competition.


  • Due to low concentration of coal industry led to the development of disorder, excessive competition within the industry, making the national macro-control to be ineffective.


  • At the same time, due to coexistence of excessive competition and administrative monopoly in our market, our national-fund companies have not formed strong global competitive capability.


  • Excessive competition is an important obstacle for the healthy operation of the circulating industry.


  • The players' excessive competition affected the European teams'competitive level displayed in the Olympic Games.


  • In the same way the enterprises should find their right positions in the process of their existence and development to avoid excessive competition.


  • We argue in the paper that the excessive competition is closely related to the entry and exit of firms.


  • If the imdividual firm enters to, and exits from an industry with a rational, the excessive competition may be ruled out and hence economy will be beyond the small-profit one.


  • At present, the imbalance of the market's supply and demand and excessive competition caused negative competition, even malignant competition, and also caused market turmoil.


  • For a long time, Chinese export commodities are mostly labor-intensive or low-tech products. In international market, the low value-added products have always been in excessive competition.


  • It is commonly the small marginal firms, perhaps suffering from excessive competition, that offer the lowest wages.


  • Thirdly, analyze the traits of shipping liner products from the scale economy, the discrepancies of products, market barrier and the hazard of excessive competition.


  • This article brings forward process of achieving optimal regulation of excessive competition, which bases on externality theory.


  • Chapter 4 tried to make a mechanism of regulation on excessive competition in road transportation in China based on the above chapters.


  • 网络扩展资料

    词性 (Part of Speech):形容词 (Adjective)

    发音 (Pronunciation):/ɪkˈsesɪv/

    词义 (Definition):

    • 过分的;过多的;极度的 (Too much, too many, or extremely)
    • 过度的;超过一定限度的 (Going beyond what is necessary or reasonable)

    例句 (Examples):

    • The teacher found his punishment of the student to be excessive. (老师认为他对学生的惩罚过分了。)
    • Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol can be harmful to your health. (喝太多酒会对健康有害。)

    用法提示 (Usage Tips):

    • "Excessive" 通常用来表示某个事物的数量或程度超过了必要或合理的范围。
    • "Excessive" 可以与很多名词和动词搭配使用,例如 excessive force (过度使用武力),excessive noise (过度噪音) 等等。

    近义词 (Synonyms):

    • too much, extra, extreme, undue, unnecessary, unreasonable

    反义词 (Antonyms):

    • moderate, reasonable, minimal, limited, necessary


    词性 (Part of Speech):名词 (Noun)

    发音 (Pronunciation):/kɑːmpəˈtɪʃn/

    词义 (Definition):

    • 竞争;比赛;竞争对手 (The activity or condition of striving to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others)
    • 竞争关系;竞争性 (The presence or operation of competing forces, organizations, or interests)

    例句 (Examples):

    • The competition was fierce, but he managed to win first prize. (竞争非常激烈,但他还是赢得了一等奖。)
    • Our company faces strong competition from other similar businesses. (我们公司面临其他同类企业的激烈竞争。)

    用法提示 (Usage Tips):

    • "Competition" 通常用来表示两个或多个人、团体、机构等之间争夺同一事物的行为或状态。
    • "Competition" 可以用作可数或不可数名词,例如 a fierce competition (一场激烈的竞争),competition for resources (资源的竞争) 等等。

    近义词 (Synonyms):

    • rivalry, contest, match, tournament, struggle, race

    反义词 (Antonyms):

    • cooperation, collaboration, teamwork, partnership, support

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