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exhaustion of resources是什么意思,exhaustion of resources的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 资源枯竭

  • 例句

  • But the flip side is the steady exhaustion of resources and destruction of the environment.


  • The environmental pollution, ecological destruction and exhaustion of resources have been almost caused the human being to serious existence in the whole world.


  • The consequence of desperation to develop is exhaustion of resources and deterioration of environment which lead the mankind to wrack and ruin and lead the economy to back up.


  • The depletion, deterioration and exhaustion of resources and the worsening ecological environment have become bottlenecks and grave impediments to the nation's economic and social development.


  • It is favorable to environment. It reduces carbon emission and slows down the exhaustion of resources, which can realize the sustainable development of limited energy.


  • The depletion, deterioration and exhaustion of resources and the deterioration of the environment have become serious bottlenecks constraining economic and social development.


  • Human beings are facing with a big problem that exhaustion of resources and environmental pollution in 20 century. It is the imperative duty to adopt the strategy of sustainable development.


  • The depletion, deterioration and exhaustion of resources and the worsening ecological environment have become bottlenecks and grave impediments to the nation’s economic and social development.


  • Most of the mines in Hunan province are on the verge of closing down due to exhaustion of resources in the long period of service, some of which are difficult to be maintained.


  • The pitfalls of synchronous processing in a scale-up environment are related to the exhaustion of resources spent waiting on non-responsive or temporarily overloaded components of the infrastructure.


  • In a letter on their Web site, the Tuttles cite exhaustion of resources as the reason to sell the farm.


  • However, with the overexploitation and exhaustion of resources, the transformation and development of the resource-exhausted mining cities are more concerned.


  • The best it seems realistic to hope for as a matter of choice are technological improvements that will slow pollution, the exhaustion of resources, and global weather changes.


  • With the gradual exhaustion of resources, the issue of urban transformation becomes more and more outstanding.


  • The deterioration of the ecological environment and the exhaustion of resources have already influenced the realization of the sustainable development strategy of our country.


  • One of the undesirable outcomes of hyper-rationality is the exhaustion of natural resources, ever-increasing pollution and near-collapse of the environment.


  • With the exhaustion of coals resources, facing the unprecedented difficulty to these four resource type cities with very strong dependence of coal resource in the course of development.


  • To prevent the exhaustion of ocean resources, governments should unite to work out effective measures against commercial fishing.


  • The biogenetic theory of petroleum and gas is approaching completion of its historical mission with the gradual exhaustion of oil resources.


  • And imminent exhaustion of land resources plagues these developing companies .


  • Along with the exhaustion of the resources, mining cities must inevitably face the problems of the city type transformation during their development.


  • With the exhaustion of petroleum resources, it has become the global attention focus in producing fuel and chemicals from renewable biomass resource.


  • Many resource-based cities with a long history in China are facing gradual reduction or exhaustion of recoverable resources. Consequently, industrial transformation is inevitable for such cities.


  • If this happens, exhaustion of natural resources and large-scale ecosystem collapse become increasingly likely.


  • Nowadays, on account of the problems of environmental pollution and exhaustion of energy resources becoming worse and worse, exploring and using of new energy become more and more important.


  • The main environmental geological problems are as follows:exhaustion of water resources, water pollution, heaping of solid wastes and so on.


  • Thus making fully use of limited water energy resources is one of the most realistic measures of slowing down exhaustion of mineral resources and improve and protect global ecology and environment.


  • The final destruction of agricultural zone is mainly due to the exhaustion of water resources.


  • 网络扩展资料

    单词:exhaustion of resources

    • 例句:

      • The exhaustion of resources is a serious environmental problem. (资源枯竭是一个严重的环境问题。)
      • The rapid development of industries has led to the exhaustion of resources. (工业的快速发展导致了资源的枯竭。)
    • 用法:

      • Exhaustion of resources 是一个词组,指的是某个地区或某个产业的资源已经被完全耗尽,无法再继续使用的状态。
    • 解释:

      • Exhaustion 一词表示枯竭,耗尽的意思,是指某种事物的数量已经完全用尽,无法再继续使用。
      • Resources 一词表示资源,是指任何可以被利用的物质或能量,包括自然资源和人力资源等。
      • Exhaustion of resources 的解释是指资源的数量已经被完全耗尽,无法再继续使用,通常是由于过度开采或不合理利用等原因导致的。
    • 近义词:

      • Depletion of resources (资源枯竭)
      • Exhaustion of reserves (储备枯竭)
      • Depletion of reserves (储备枯竭)
    • 反义词:

      • Abundance of resources (资源丰富)
      • Surplus of resources (资源充裕)

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/exhaustion+of+resources.html
