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guide pulley是什么意思,guide pulley的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • [机] 导向轮;压带轮

  • 例句

  • The utility model provides a guide pulley device for the linear cutting of the rotating end surface, belonging to the auxiliary apparatus of an NC linear cutting machine tool.


  • The divided-flow two-level turbine engine with one pump is composed of a turbine, a turbine shaft, a two-level booster pump wheel, a guide pulley and the expansion chamber shell.


  • The divided-flow two-level turbine engine with two pumps is composed of a turbine, a turbine shaft, a two-level booster pump wheel, a guide pulley and the expansion chamber shell.

    分流式两泵两 级涡轮发动机由两级涡轮、涡轮轴、两级增压泵轮、导轮和膨胀室壳体组成。

  • Then guide the section of the belt around the air-conditioning compressor belt pulley at the bottom.


  • At least one wire wrap around guide element (typically a pulley) is positioned away from the mounting means.


  • 同义词

  • |jockey pulley/guide wheel;[机]导向轮;压带轮

  • 网络扩展资料

    Guide (导轮)

    解释: 导轮是一种机械零件,通常用于引导或限制运动。它可以使物体沿着特定的路径移动,防止它们偏离轨道。导轮通常由金属或塑料制成,它们的形状和大小取决于它们的用途。


    • The guide wheel ensures that the belt stays on track. (导轮确保皮带保持在轨道上。)
    • The machine has a series of guide rollers to keep the fabric in place. (这台机器有一系列的导辊,以保持织物的位置。)

    近义词: guide roller, roller guide, roller bearing

    反义词: free wheel, unguided

    Pulley (拉引轮)

    解释: 拉引轮是一种简单机械设备,由一个带有凹槽的轮和一个齿轮或带有钩的轴组成。它通常用于改变方向或增加力量来移动重物。拉引轮通常由金属或塑料制成。


    • The pulley system allows us to lift heavy objects with ease. (拉引轮系统使我们可以轻松地举起重物。)
    • The cable is run through a series of pulleys to reduce friction. (电缆通过一系列的拉引轮减少摩擦。)

    近义词: block and tackle, hoist, sheave

    反义词: fixed, immovable

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/guide+pulley.html
