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    词性: 名词

    发音: [het-uh-roh-kahy-ruh l]

    定义: Heterochiral is a term used in chemistry to describe a molecule that has different handedness or orientations of its constituent parts.

    用法: Heterochiral is used to describe molecules that have different orientations between their constituent parts. This can occur in a variety of different molecules, such as proteins or carbohydrates.

    解释: Heterochiral molecules are important in a variety of different biological and chemical processes. For example, some enzymes are made up of heterochiral amino acids, which allows them to catalyze specific chemical reactions. Heterochiral molecules can also play a role in drug design, as compounds with specific heterochiral configurations may have different biological activity.

    近义词: N/A

    反义词: Homochiral


    • English: The enzyme contains heterochiral amino acids that allow it to catalyze a specific chemical reaction.中文解释:这个酶包含异手性的氨基酸,使它能够催化特定的化学反应。

    • English: The heterochiral configuration of the drug was found to have a significant impact on its biological activity.中文解释:发现药物的异手性构型对其生物活性有显著影响。

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/heterochiral.html
