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Huai River是什么意思,Huai River的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 淮河(地处中国东部,介于长江和黄河两流域之间)

  • 例句

  • The Huai River must be harnessed.


  • There are several dams across the Huai River.


  • The latest satellite data shows a dried-up Huai River.


  • There will be a strong wind to the north of Huai River.


  • I was forthright; I had asked Haizi, Why you have not intently written about Huai River?


  • 网络扩展资料

    Huai River(淮河)is a major river in China, with a length of approximately 1,100 kilometers. It flows through the provinces of Henan, Anhui, and Jiangsu. Here is a detailed explanation of the word "Huai River":

    • 词性 (Part of speech): Proper noun(专有名词)

    • 定义 (Definition): A river in eastern China that flows through the provinces of Henan, Anhui, and Jiangsu.(中国东部一条流经河南、安徽和江苏省的河流)

    • 发音 (Pronunciation): huái hé

    • 用法 (Usage):

      • The Huai River is an important water resource for the local agriculture and industry.(淮河是当地重要的水资源,支撑了农业和工业的发展)
      • The flood control of the Huai River has been a major concern for the government.(淮河防洪一直是政府的重大关切)
    • 解释 (Explanation): The Huai River is a significant river in China, known for its fertile soil and rich resources. It is also notorious for its frequent flooding, which has caused significant damage and loss of life in the past. The government has implemented various measures to control floods and improve water quality in the river.

    • 近义词 (Synonyms): None

    • 反义词 (Antonyms): None

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/huai+river.html
