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impulsive force是什么意思,impulsive force的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • [力] 冲力

  • 例句

  • Equilateral pyramid, concise power, an impulsive force of view.


  • The impulsive force of breath originates from breath, therefore the breath training in singing is, in the end, breath training.


  • The impulsive force of breath is the motive force of sound production when a person is singing; so it is the key link in vocal music training.


  • The impulsive force of the hammer of the Machine can reach 30t, to replace the big hammer, and air pick, which can well treat with the cement concrete.


  • Experimental results show that using the collision force generation and feedback method, the user can sense realistic impulsive forces via the CyberGrasp data glove caused by virtual collision.


  • 同义词

  • |momentum/impetus;[力]冲力

  • 网络扩展资料

    词性: 形容词

    发音: /ɪmˈpʌlsɪv/

    近义词: spontaneous, rash, hasty, impetuous

    反义词: cautious, deliberate, careful, thoughtful

    解释: 指行动或决定是由冲动或突发性的情感或欲望驱使的。一般来说,这种行为是缺乏考虑和计划的,常常会导致不利的结果。


    1. She made an impulsive decision to quit her job and travel the world. (她做了一个冲动的决定,辞去了工作去环游世界。)

    2. He is known for his impulsive behavior, often acting without thinking. (他以冲动行为而闻名,经常不加思考地行动。)

    3. The impulsive purchase left her with a lot of debt. (冲动购物让她背上了很多债务。)

    4. His impulsive nature often gets him into trouble. (他冲动的性格经常让他惹麻烦。)

    5. I regretted my impulsive decision to speak without thinking. (我后悔冲动地说话而没有思考。)

    用法: impulsive一词常用于描述人的行为或决定,强调缺乏计划和考虑,通常带有负面含义。


    词性: 名词/动词

    发音: /fɔrs/

    近义词: strength, power, energy, might

    反义词: weakness, powerlessness, helplessness

    解释: 作为名词,force指的是强制、压迫的力量。作为动词,force指的是强制、逼迫、迫使某人做某事。


    1. The police used force to break up the protest. (警察动用武力来解散抗议。)

    2. She was forced to resign from her job. (她被迫辞职了。)

    3. The storm's force knocked down trees and power lines. (风暴的力量打倒了树木和电线。)

    4. He used all his force to push the heavy box. (他用尽全力推动沉重的箱子。)

    5. The law was passed through force, not by democratic means. (这项法律是通过武力而不是通过民主手段通过的。)

    用法: force可以用于描述物理上的力量,也可以用于描述强制或迫使某人做某事的行为。

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/impulsive+force.html
