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legislative authority是什么意思,legislative authority的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • [法] 立法权;法律依据

  • 例句

  • In 2000, the Legislation Law supplemented and clarified legislative authority decentralization, while still remains to develop and perfect.


  • Only based on exclusive legislative authority and specific provision of general law concerning legislative power, can an ultra vires law be identified.


  • Based on both objective and subjective reasons of legislative authority and open texture within language, there are numerous dubious legal concepts in administrative law.


  • Together these acts provide strong legislative authority.


  • The president had closed the nation’s banks by executive order and, like Lincoln in the Civil War, needed legislative authority to confirm his action and reorganize the financial system.


  • And it is to be hoped that the normal balance of executive and legislative authority may be wholly equal, wholly adequate to meet the unprecedented task before us.


  • It is shown as two aspects: first, by comparing the amounts of the central legislation and local legislation, it is found that local legislative authority has been expanding gradually.


  • It is to be hoped that the normal balance of executive and legislative authority may be wholly adequate to meet the unprecedented task before us.


  • Secondly, in order to solve the problem of legislative authority, it should be enacted by the legislature by the state special law to protect geographical indications.


  • No meeting of members of Interact clubs beyond the club level shall have any legislative authority nor shall be so organized or conducted as to give the appearance of having such authority.

    扶轮少年服务团举行团级以上会议时,不应具有任何立法权,并不得在其组织或行动上表现具有此种权力。 此种会议只能表达建议性意见,以作为地区或其他阶层扶轮少年服务团行政管理人员之参考。

  • It violated the method prescribed by the constitution by which a bill becomes a law and transferred legislative authority to the executive.


  • The current legislative authority for PDUFA expires on Sept. 30, 2012.


  • Article 8 The legislative authority may make a Financial Commitment to authorize disbursement of expenses in the next four fiscal years as required by government agencies.

    第8条政府机关于未来四个会计年度所需支用之经费,立法机关得 为未来承诺之授权。

  • The second category is called delegated or secondary legislation which consists of measures enacted by a person or body to whom the Oireachtas has delegated legislative authority.


  • Some possibilities for a new disaster aid bill could include specific legislative authority for USDA to make advance ag disaster payments as part of the new farm bill's permanent ag disaster program.


  • Therefore this paper will discuss some problems of the local taxation legislative authority on the basis of research achievement.


  • The theory of know and will in criminal legislation is legislative authority to judge subjective elements of crime.


  • Chapter three: The current conditions, the existent problems and the reasons in the current legislative authority of taxation of our country.


  • Chapter two: The models of the legislative authority of taxation abroad and the hints for our country.


  • In defining local exclusive legislative authority, we should adopt comprehensively the standards of influence scope and importance of affairs, and begin with defining local affair.


  • Make local regulation, set up and amplify , solicit , take forest land legislative authority of management;


  • There are some serious problem in the punishment settlement of tax penalty, the qualification of punishment subject, the suitable legislative authority.


  • And it is to be hoped that the normal balance of executive and legislative authority wi1l be fully equal, fully adequate to meet the unprecedented task before us.


  • In recent years, academia has discussed some problems of the local taxation legislative authority, but it lacks an in-depth study.


  • Resolving fundamental, politically divisive policy issues, he insisted, is the very essence of legislative authority and could not unnecessarily be left to a politically unresponsive administrator.


  • Nowadays how to establish the legislative authority of local taxation reasonably is an important problem that improving of the separate taxation system and the taxation law system must be solved.


  • 同义词

  • |legislative power;[法]立法权;法律依据

  • 网络扩展资料

    "legislative authority" 是一个英文词汇,可以翻译成中文为“立法权力”。



    “legislative authority” 指的是制定和颁布法律的权力。在政治制度中,立法机构负责制定法律,行使立法权力。这种权力通常包括制定法律的程序、内容和效力等。


    • The legislative authority is vested in the parliament. (立法权力归议会所有。)
    • The government exercises the legislative authority on behalf of the people. (政府代表人民行使立法权力。)


    "legislative authority" 可以用作名词,表示“立法权力”。常常和政治、法律等相关。可以用在各种场合,如政治演说、学术论文、新闻报道等。


    • legislative power (立法权力)
    • law-making authority (制定法律的权力)
    • law-making power (制定法律的权力)


    • executive authority (行政权力)
    • judicial authority (司法权力)
    • administrative authority (行政权力)

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