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limiting distribution是什么意思,limiting distribution的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • [数] 极限分布;极限分配

  • 例句

  • The limiting distribution of the test under null hypothesis is obtained.


  • To construct confidence interval, the limiting distribution of change-point estimator is obtained.


  • The likelihood ratio criterion of sphericity test, its asymptotic expansion and limiting distribution are obtained.


  • Specifically, we obtain the limiting distribution of the present value function under the independence assumption among the future-lifetime random variables of the insured.


  • Based on these branching structure properties, the limiting distribution for the length of a simple downward random walk on a random recursive tree with size nis shown.


  • Thirdly, we define a new statistic of the forecast errors whose limiting distribution is t-distribution, thus the encompassing tests is standardized and the operations are simple.


  • On Limiting Distribution of Partial Sum and Maximum, and Point Process of Dependent Gaussian Process;


  • They can stay small, exclusive, and premium-priced by limiting their distribution to selected stores in the major international cities.


  • The authors have used this method on computer to get the bending fatigue test data of carburized and quenched gears and the fatigue limiting stress distribution. Furthermore, the…


  • Since 1999, our government has promulgated a series of rules on limiting production, distribution and usage of white trash.


  • The results indicate that the tilting of inner and outer ring has obviously influence on the stress distribution under limiting static load conditions.


  • When it settles the public affairs tragedies, new tragedies may occur. For instance, the problem of limiting competition, and causing unfair distribution of resources.

    即它在解决“公共事务的悲剧”的同时又可能产生新的“悲剧” :即限制竞争、导致资源的不公平分配等问题。

  • In this paper, the peak stress is nonlinear portion of stress distribution and self - limiting could not be such an expression were analyzed.


  • Also, future work may include examination of various forms of economizer cycle, fan cycling, demand limiting, and super-cold air distribution.


  • Low temperature is a key limiting factor for growth, development and distribution of plant species.


  • Conclusion There are many endemic areas of Paragonimus in Jiangxi Province, however, the distribution of Paragonimus has been gradually limiting to mountainous areas.


  • The simulation results demonstrate that the new bridge type SFCL has good limiting effect and response ability for single fault and double fault in distribution network system.


  • All LED light average distribution of several groups, each group work voltage and current calculating circuit and the current limiting resistor.


  • 网络扩展资料

    词性 (Part of Speech)

    形容词 (Adjective)

    解释 (Definition)


    例句 (Examples)

    • The limiting factor in my decision to buy a new car is my budget. (我购买新车的限制因素是我的预算。)
    • The company has imposed a limiting policy on the use of social media during work hours. (公司在工作时间内对社交媒体的使用实施了限制政策。)

    近义词 (Synonyms)

    限定性的 (Restrictive), 有限制的 (Regulated), 受限的 (Limited)

    反义词 (Antonyms)

    无限制的 (Unlimited), 自由的 (Unrestricted), 开放的 (Open)

    分配 (Distribution)

    词性 (Part of Speech)

    名词 (Noun)

    解释 (Definition)


    例句 (Examples)

    • The distribution of food to the needy is a top priority for the charity organization. (向有需要的人分配食物是慈善组织的首要任务。)
    • The distribution of wealth in the country is highly unequal. (该国的财富分配极不平等。)

    近义词 (Synonyms)

    分发 (Dispensing), 分配 (Allocation), 散发 (Dissemination)

    反义词 (Antonyms)

    收集 (Collection), 集中 (Concentration), 聚集 (Gathering)

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/limiting+distribution.html
