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mathematical statistics是什么意思,mathematical statistics的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • [数] 数理统计;数学统计

  • 例句

  • The basic methods of the mathematical statistics used to treat data of the voltage breakdown tests on cables with extruded insulation are presented.


  • It should be pointed out that the results of mathematical statistics have a certain representation, but it is restricted by the quantity and quality of samples.


  • Through the way of mathematical statistics, we make regression analysis to some groups of data, and then fit the curve between them.


  • However, methods of mathematical statistics and comprehensive analysis of influencing factors are not enough to studies of population quality of one city.


  • By analyzing each error source of power meter calibration device, the uncertainty of power meter calibration device is analyzed and calculated with mathematical statistics and experimental method.


  • By model experiment, the parameters of slit holder are optimized turning to variance analysis theory of mathematical statistics in order to guide engineering project.


  • Do some interrelated analyses about the changes of the students body quality during their college period with the method of Mathematical Statistics and get some guiding conclusions.


  • With permutation and mathematical statistics, this paper analyses and exposes three Kinds of lottery, and thus exhorts people not to be taken in.


  • Analyses the protect zone of lightning arrester by the method to use mathematical statistics, choose the best lightning arrester to protect the building, and quote the example of lightning disaster.


  • Mathematical statistics (also called statistical theory) is the branch of applied mathematics that uses probability theory and analysis to examine the theoretical basis of statistics.


  • In order to improve the quality of financial projections, regression analysis is an effective way to use mathematical statistics related to the principles of data results more convincing.


  • Finally several parameters for second generation infrared hot-box alarm criteria are determined by means of the probability theory and the mathematical statistics.


  • The mathematical statistics method was used formerly as multilinear compound model to analyse the compound hybrid advantage, which requires large amount of data and complicated calculation.


  • Through production experiences for many years and with the theory of mathematical statistics, the author analyses the causes for the survey ship tilting.


  • Determining the index of days through the analysis for mathematical statistics, and controlling effectively the burning-rate performance of the full-size solid engine.


  • The calculation formula of flexural load capacity of steel beams is obtained by using the error transfer formula of mathematical statistics.


  • The effect of smelting parameters of a ferromanganese blast furnace on evaporated cooling is analyzed by mathematical statistics.


  • In the producing, we apply the theory of mathematical statistics, for improving the quality control and optimizing the equipment and the personnal administration.


  • By using photograph analysis and mathematical statistics, the writers of this article compared the body posture of two levels of male athletes in sustaining phase.


  • The series formulas of conditional probability are important points in the Probability and Mathematical Statistics course.


  • Through the literature, questionnaire survey method and mathematical statistics Study of Dalian City, eight colleges and universities to carry out the status and problems of tennis.


  • By using the methods of literature review, mathematical statistics and logic analysis, this paper analyzes 155 tennis research papers published from 1988 to 2007 on 13 sport core periodicals.


  • The field of capture-recapture and removal is an important direction of mathematical statistics, which studies the estimation of the sizes of finite populations from incomplete random samples.


  • This article will discuss the factors that restricting the enhancement of athletics level of CUBA′s excellent group via questionnaire inquisition, interview with experts, mathematical statistics, etc.


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    解释: 数学的,与数学有关的。


    • Mathematical equations can be used to solve complex problems.(数学方程可以用来解决复杂的问题。)
    • He has a strong mathematical ability.(他有很强的数学能力。)

    用法: 通常用于描述与数学相关的事物,如数学公式、数学模型等,也可以用于描述人的数学能力或数学思维方式。

    近义词: numerical、arithmetic、algebraic

    反义词: non-mathematical、unmathematical、unscientific


    解释: 统计学,是一门研究收集、分析、解释数据的学科。


    • The statistics show that more and more young people are starting their own businesses.(统计数据显示,越来越多的年轻人开始创业。)
    • She is studying statistics at university.(她在大学里学习统计学。)

    用法: 通常用于描述收集和分析数据的方法和技术,也可以用于描述统计学领域的知识和理论。

    近义词: data analysis、statistical analysis、quantitative analysis

    反义词: qualitative research、descriptive analysis、non-statistical analysis

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/mathematical+statistics.html
