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North Yemen是什么意思,North Yemen的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 北叶门(指原阿拉伯也门共和国)

  • 例句

  • By the 16th century and again in the 19th century, north Yemen was part of the Ottoman Empire, and in some periods its Imams exerted control over south Yemen.


  • After the union between north and south Yemen in 1990 both the northern rial and the southern dinar remained legal tender.


  • Saudi Arabia has also been concerned by what it sees as Iranian meddling in Yemen in support of the rebellion by the Houthis (a Shiite minority in the north).


  • Yemen and Jordan have the most severe water shortages in the Middle East and North Africa.


  • His message has been 'franchised' to far-flung militant groups in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Iraq, in the Saharan borderlands of North Africa and elsewhere.


  • 网络扩展资料

    North Yemen是由两个单词组成的词组,其中“North”表示“北方的”,“Yemen”则指“也门”,因此North Yemen是指也门的北部地区。

    在20世纪之前,也门一直是分离的两个国家:北也门和南也门。North Yemen是指北也门,南也门则是South Yemen。

    以下是一些North Yemen的例句及解释:

    • The civil war in North Yemen lasted from 1962 to 197. (北也门的内战从1962年持续到197年。)
    • North Yemen was a republic from 1962 until 199, when it united with South Yemen. (北也门从1962年到199年是一个共和国,后来与南也门合并。)

    以下是一些与North Yemen相关的词语:

    • South Yemen (南也门)
    • Yemen (也门)
    • civil war (内战)
    • republic (共和国)

    North Yemen没有明确的近义词或反义词,因为它指的是一个具体的地理位置和历史时期。

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/north+yemen.html
