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period of time是什么意思,period of time的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 一段时间;时段

  • 例句

  • All these changes happened over a period of time.


  • This crisis might last for a long period of time.


  • She spent a period of time working with people dying of cancer.


  • Oil or vinegar based salad can be stored for a long period of time without refrigeration.


  • The money was lent for an undefined period of time.


  • 同义词

  • |cycle/time-span;一段时间;时段

  • 网络扩展资料

    单词:period of time

    period of time 是指一段时间,通常用于描述一个时间段的长度或持续时间。下面是一些例句和用法说明:

    • I have been working on this project for a period of time and I am almost finished. (我已经花费了一段时间在这个项目上,现在快完成了。)
    • The company has experienced a period of time with low profits, but things are starting to look up. (这个公司经历了一段低收益的时间,但是情况正在好转。)
    • The museum is closed for a period of time for renovations. (博物馆为进行装修而关闭了一段时间。)

    period of time 也可以用于描述一个时间段的长度,通常用于与其他时间段进行比较。以下是一些例句和用法说明:

    • The movie's running time is two hours, which is longer than the average period of time for a comedy. (这部电影的放映时间为两个小时,比一部喜剧片的平均时长要长。)
    • The company has been in business for a period of time of 50 years. (这个公司已经经营了50年的时间。)
    • He has been living in the city for a period of time of three months. (他已经在这个城市生活了三个月的时间。)

    period of time 的近义词包括 durationlength of time,它们都可以用来描述一个时间段的长度或持续时间。duration 更加正式,而 length of time 则更加口语化。以下是一些例句:

    • The duration of the concert was three hours. (这场音乐会的时长为三个小时。)
    • The length of time it took to complete the project was six months. (完成这个项目花费的时间为六个月。)

    period of time 没有明显的反义词,但可以使用一些词语来表达相反的含义,例如 instantlyimmediately,它们表示一个事件发生的瞬间或立即发生。以下是一些例句:

    • The alarm went off and I woke up instantly. (闹钟响了,我立刻醒了。)
    • I sent the email and received a response immediately. (我发送了邮件,立刻收到了回复。)

    以上是 period of time 的详细解释,希望对您有所帮助。

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/period+of+time.html
