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prestressed concrete是什么意思,prestressed concrete的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • (美)预应力钢筋混凝土

  • 例句

  • Reasons caused the cracks of prestressed concrete bridge are analyzed.


  • The construction is prestressed concrete and is coated with steel shell.


  • The stiffening beams of the side spans are prestressed concrete box beams.


  • It is suitable for prestressed concrete components with different degrees.


  • Prestressed concrete hollow-core slab is a widely used structural element.


  • 网络扩展资料

    Prestressed concrete refers to a type of reinforced concrete that is designed to withstand tension by compressing the material before it is loaded with additional weight or pressure. This is achieved by inserting steel bars, wires, or cables into the concrete before it sets, which are then tightened to apply a compressive force on the concrete. This process creates a stronger and more resilient material that can withstand greater stresses and loads.

    Prestressed concrete is widely used in construction for its durability, strength, and versatility. It is commonly used in bridges, buildings, and infrastructure projects such as tunnels and dams. The technique of prestressing concrete has revolutionized the field of engineering and architecture, allowing for the construction of larger and more complex structures.


    Prestressed concrete is used in a variety of applications, including:

    • Bridges: Prestressed concrete is commonly used in bridge construction due to its high strength and durability. By using prestressed concrete, engineers can design longer and wider spans that can support heavier loads.

    • Buildings: Prestressed concrete is used in the construction of high-rise buildings and other structures that require a high degree of strength and stability. It is also commonly used in parking garages, stadiums, and other large structures.

    • Infrastructure: Prestressed concrete is used in the construction of tunnels, dams, and other infrastructure projects due to its ability to withstand high loads and stresses.


    • The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco is an iconic example of prestressed concrete construction. The bridge was built using a combination of concrete and steel cables that were prestressed to create a stronger and more resilient structure.

    • The Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the tallest building in the world, was built using prestressed concrete. The building's core is made of a concrete structure that was prestressed to withstand the weight of the building and the wind loads.

    Synonyms and Antonyms

    Synonyms: reinforced concrete, precast concrete, post-tensioned concrete

    Antonyms: unreinforced concrete, natural stone

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