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recognition method是什么意思,recognition method的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 再认法;确认法

  • 例句

  • Choose the correct object recognition method.


  • This paper presents an instrument recognition method based on SVM.


  • A detection and recognition method for traffic signs are presented.


  • A new ear recognition method based on feature fusion was presented.


  • The feature recognition method based on slicing data is investigated.


  • 网络扩展资料

    Recognition method (识别方法) refers to the various techniques and approaches used to identify, classify, and categorize objects, people, or patterns based on specific characteristics or features.

    There are different recognition methods that are commonly used in various fields, such as computer science, biology, psychology, and engineering. Some common recognition methods include:

    • Facial recognition (人脸识别) - a method used to identify or verify the identity of an individual based on their facial features.
    • Speech recognition (语音识别) - a technique used to transcribe spoken words into written text or to identify and interpret spoken commands.
    • Pattern recognition (模式识别) - a method used to identify and classify patterns or trends in data, images, or signals.
    • Object recognition (物体识别) - a technique used to identify and classify objects based on their visual features, such as shape, color, and texture.
    • Gesture recognition (手势识别) - a method used to interpret and identify hand and body movements for human-computer interaction.

    Recognition methods are essential in various applications, such as security systems, image and voice recognition software, medical diagnosis, and robotics.


    The recognition method can be used in different scenarios, such as:

    • In security systems, facial recognition technology can be used to identify and authenticate individuals for access control or surveillance purposes.
    • In speech recognition software, the method can be used to transcribe spoken words into text or to recognize and respond to spoken commands in virtual assistants such as Siri or Alexa.
    • In medical diagnosis, pattern recognition techniques can be used to identify and classify abnormalities in medical images or signals.
    • In robotics, object and motion recognition methods can be used to identify and track objects and movements for autonomous navigation and manipulation.

    Synonyms and Antonyms

    Some synonyms for recognition method include identification technique, classification approach, and categorization method. Antonyms may include ignorance or lack of recognition.

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