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reduction to absurdity是什么意思,reduction to absurdity的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • n. 归谬法,反证法

  • 例句

  • At present in logic people have different opinions on the question whether reduction to absurdity is direct refutation or indirect one.


  • In this paper, it proves the theorem that a worst case bound is 4/3 for the MLPT - algorithm of 4 - partition problem with the reduction to absurdity.


  • But the method of infinite approach is used more widely, it is a uninfinite procedure, and it only can achieve the desired results with reduction to absurdity.


  • This paper tries to prove equivalence of Kelvin Statement and Clausius Statement of the second law of thermodynamics under negative absolute temperature by reduction to absurdity.


  • The irrefutable commentary is the application in news commentary of reduction to absurdity in comedy and the caricature in arts.


  • With the help of the technique for unlimitedly generating the corresponding pairs of vertices, this condition is proved with the method of reduction to absurdity.


  • In other some sufficient conditions, by using reduction to absurdity, we prove there is no positive periodic solution.


  • Emphasis on the form of sample questions in detail reduction to absurdity to prove title in middle school math application and adaptation of the comments.


  • 同义词

  • n.|apagoge;归谬法,反证法

  • 网络扩展资料

    "reduction to absurdity"是一种逻辑推理方法,通过推导某个陈述的逻辑后果,来证明该陈述是错误的。具体而言,采用这种方法时,假设某个陈述是正确的,然后通过推导它的逻辑后果,来得出一个荒谬的结论,从而证明该陈述是错误的。下面是"reduction to absurdity"的例句和说明:

    • The mathematician used "reduction to absurdity" to prove his theorem. (这位数学家采用了"reduction to absurdity"来证明他的定理。)


    "reduction to absurdity"可以被视为"reductio ad absurdum"的英文翻译,这是一种拉丁语短语,意思也是"到荒谬的程度"。这种推理方法不仅在数学和哲学领域被广泛使用,也适用于其他领域。下面是一些与"reduction to absurdity"相关的近义词和反义词:

    • 近义词:proof by contradiction (反证法)
    • 反义词:proof by example (举例法)

    在使用"reduction to absurdity"时,需要注意以下几点:

    • 首先,需要明确哪个陈述需要被证明或驳斥。
    • 然后,需要将该陈述假设为真,并推导出它的逻辑后果。
    • 最后,需要检查这些逻辑后果是否存在荒谬的结论,如果存在,就可以证明该陈述是错误的。

    总之,"reduction to absurdity"是一种强有力的逻辑推理方法,可以帮助人们证明或驳斥某些陈述,特别是那些看似正确但实际上是错误的陈述。

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/reduction+to+absurdity.html
