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refractive error是什么意思,refractive error的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 屈光不正;折射误差

  • 例句

  • What is a refractive error?


  • The need to correct refractive error is determined by its effect on vision.


  • Objective To assess trends in refractive error changes in children with mixed astigmatism.


  • Efficacy measures include axial length, keratometric power and mean absolute refractive error.


  • Wavefront aberrations were found to provide a good prediction of the conventional refractive error.


  • 网络扩展资料

    Refractive error is a term used to describe the abnormal focusing of light by the eye. It is a common problem that affects people of all ages.


    Refractive error refers to the inability of the eye to focus light correctly on the retina due to a problem with the shape of the eye. This can result in blurry vision, difficulty seeing objects at a distance or close up, or both.

    Types of Refractive Error

    There are four main types of refractive error:

    1. Myopia (nearsightedness): A condition where the eye is too long, causing distant objects to appear blurry. Example: "He has myopia and needs glasses to see the board in class." (他患有近视,需要戴眼镜才能在课堂上看得清楚黑板。)

    2. Hyperopia (farsightedness): A condition where the eye is too short, causing near objects to appear blurry. Example: "Her hyperopia makes it hard for her to read without reading glasses." (她的远视眼使她难以在没有镜片的情况下阅读。)

    3. Astigmatism: A condition where the cornea is irregularly shaped, causing blurry vision at all distances. Example: "The optometrist diagnosed her with astigmatism and prescribed corrective lenses." (验光师诊断出她患有散光,并开了矫正镜片。)

    4. Presbyopia: A condition that occurs with age when the natural lens of the eye becomes less flexible, making it difficult to focus on close objects. Example: "He started experiencing presbyopia in his early 40s and needed reading glasses." (他在40岁出头开始出现老花眼,需要戴阅读镜。)


    Refractive error can be corrected with glasses, contact lenses, or refractive surgery. The type of treatment recommended depends on the severity and type of the refractive error.

    Similar and Opposite Words

    • Similar words: visual impairment, vision problems, eye disorders
    • Opposite words: normal vision, perfect eyesight, clear vision

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