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relational algebra是什么意思,relational algebra的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • [数] 关系代数

  • 例句

  • The lookup is an example of the Rails 3 relational algebra.

    查询是 Rails 3 关系代数的一个示例。

  • In relational databases, an operation in relational algebra.


  • Rails 3 incorporates relational algebra, a DSL designed to express queries.

    Rails 3 合并了 relational algebra,这是专门设计用于表示查询的 DSL。

  • The derived relational algebra operators are widely used in the relational database query languages.


  • Similarly, based on the medium set theory MS, the medium relational algebra can extend the capability of relational algebra.


  • 网络扩展资料

    Relational algebra is a theoretical framework used for querying data stored in relational databases. It consists of a set of operations that can be applied to a set of relations (tables) to produce a new relation (table).


    Relational algebra is used by database developers and administrators to design and manipulate relational databases. It provides a formal and mathematical way of expressing queries that can be used across different database management systems.

    Example sentences

    • The relational algebra operation JOIN is used to combine two tables based on a common column.
    • Relational algebra allows us to manipulate data in a structured and consistent way.


    Relational algebra consists of several operations, including SELECT, PROJECT, UNION, INTERSECTION, DIFFERENCE, CROSS PRODUCT, and JOIN. These operations can be combined to create complex queries that retrieve specific data from a database.

    • SELECT is used to retrieve rows from a table that meet a given condition.
    • PROJECT is used to select specific columns from a table.
    • UNION is used to combine two tables into a single table, eliminating duplicate rows.
    • INTERSECTION is used to retrieve only the rows that appear in both tables.
    • DIFFERENCE is used to retrieve all the rows from one table that do not appear in another table.
    • CROSS PRODUCT is used to combine every row from one table with every row from another table.
    • JOIN is used to combine two tables based on a common column.

    Synonyms and Antonyms

    There are no direct synonyms or antonyms for relational algebra, as it is a specific term used in the context of relational databases.






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