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ridge line是什么意思,ridge line的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • [建] 山脊线;甲板中线;分水岭

  • 例句

  • When one of the trackers got too close, the panda walked over the opposite ridge line giving us brief but good views.


  • The roof's ridge line is obtained by intersecting roof planes, and the building's footprint is determined by analysis of roof points.


  • The symmetry of the gable is broken along the ridge line to leave space for a long blade of light, which provides excellent visual quality to the owner.


  • So off we went up a moderately steep ridge line through a bamboo and hardwood forest. After about 10 minutes Mr. He and Rolf stopped and pointed to the opposite side of the valley about 100 m distant.


  • He wanted to be over the line of the ridge before the sun had risen.


  • 同义词

  • |water divide/back bone;[建][气象]山脊线;甲板中线;分水岭

  • 网络扩展资料


    Ridge 通常被解释为山脊、山脉或山岭。例如:

    • The hiker followed the ridge to the summit. (这位徒步旅行者沿着山脊走到了山顶。)
    • The cabin was nestled in the ridge of the mountain. (小屋坐落在山脉的脊梁上。)

    Ridge 还可以表示形成凸起的线或条纹。例如:

    • The freshly plowed field had ridges of dirt along its length. (新耕的田地上沿着它的长度有土丘。)
    • The texture of the sweater had ridges and bumps. (毛衣的纹理有凸起和颗粒感。)

    Ridge 的一些近义词包括 crest, peak, summit 和 top。反义词可能是 valley。


    Line 可以表示许多不同的事物,例如线条、排队、边缘或路线。例如:

    • The artist drew a thin line across the paper. (艺术家在纸上画了一条细线。)
    • The people waited in line for hours to get tickets. (人们排队等了数小时才拿到了票。)
    • The line where the sky meets the sea is beautiful. (天空与海洋相接的地方很美。)
    • The bus line to the airport runs every hour. (到机场的公交线路每小时一班。)

    Line 的一些近义词包括 boundary, edge, limit 和 perimeter。反义词可能是 center。

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/ridge+line.html
