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  • n. 稀树大草原(savannah 的复数)

  • 例句

  • Cats are typically known for being very inquisitive and so are the Savannahs.


  • Knowledge of iron making penetrated into the forest and savannahs of West Africa at roughly the same time that iron making was reaching Europe.


  • The savannahs are tall and slim and can weigh up to nine point one kilograms, making them one of the largest breeds of cats that people can own.


  • It is found throughout savannahs of Africa from Sudan to the southern Cape.


  • There will be photometric and spectroscopic evidence for forests and savannahs.


  • On the hot, dry savannahs of east and west Africa, their mounds are many-spired cathedrals.


  • We are still made for jungles and savannahs but we interact more with iPhones and computer screens than anything else.


  • Savannahs are for people who want a really unique pet and this is as close to a wild cat as you can get in the state of California.

    热带草原猫非常适合那些真正想要一只独一无二宠物来抚养的人。 而且它也是你能在加州找到的最接近于野猫的一种宠物猫。

  • In savannahs, for example, traffic moves toward or away from watering holes-and brush, sand and slopes keep most vehicles on tracks.


  • According to Mrs Draper, Savannahs are becoming increasingly popular in California due to their unique appearance and learning abilities.


  • There, a child grows up under the ever-present attention of his parent; therefore the jungles and the savannahs know of no 'juvenile delinquency'.

    荒凉地区的孩子无时无刻不在父母关怀下成长。 因此,丛林和荒凉地区不知道什么叫“青少年犯罪”。

  • There, a child grows up under the ever-present attention of his parents, therefore the jungles and the savannahs know of no 'juvenile delinquency.


  • Travel is possible, maybe even desirable, and we can move beyond the warm savannahs of Africa and survive, perhaps even flourish, in a colder climate.


  • Holding this, I can feel what it was like to be out on the African savannahs, needing to cut flesh for example, needing to cut into a carcass, in order to get a meal.


  • The report urges more focus on restoration of damaged ecosystems, especially those key to tackling climate change such as mangroves, inland waters, forests, savannahs and grasslands.


  • 网络扩展资料

    词性: 名词 (复数)

    发音: /səˈvænəz/

    定义: savannahs是指广阔的草原,通常位于热带和亚热带地区,是非常适合野生动物生存和繁衍的生态系统。这种草原通常由矮树、灌木和草地构成,有时会有散布的大树。


    • The African savannahs are home to many iconic animals like lions, zebras, and elephants. (非洲的大草原是许多标志性动物的家园,如狮子、斑马和大象。)
    • The savannahs of South America are known for their unique variety of bird species. (南美的大草原以其独特的鸟类品种而闻名。)

    解释: savannahs是指一种广袤的非林地生态系统,由矮树、灌木和草地构成。这种生态系统通常位于热带和亚热带地区,是非常适合野生动物生存和繁衍的环境。savannahs的植被特征使得它成为一种生态系统,可以支持大量的哺乳动物、爬行动物和鸟类。savannahs通常被认为是非常重要的生态系统,但由于人类活动导致的草原破坏和过度放牧,这种生态系统正受到威胁。

    近义词: grasslands, prairies, steppes

    反义词: forests, jungles, tundras

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/savannahs.html
