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secretary of state是什么意思,secretary of state的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • n. (美)国务卿;(英)国务大臣;(美)州政府秘书长

  • 例句

  • The Secretary of State has the power to approve the proposals.


  • The Secretary of State has made a robust defence of the agreement.


  • The Secretary of State and his Russian counterpart met to try to nail down the elusive accord.


  • Even the Assistant Secretary of State had to admit that previous policy did not, in his words, produce results.

    就连这位国务卿助理也不得不承认以前的政策, 用他本人的话说, 没有产生效果。

  • In a new interview, Hillary Clinton said she originally turned down the job as secretary of state.


  • 网络扩展资料

    "secretary of state" 是指负责处理国际事务的政府高级官员。在美国,国务卿是总统的高级顾问之一,负责领导美国的外交政策,以及与其他国家的政府进行协商和谈判。以下是一些关于 "secretary of state" 的例句和相关解释:

    • The Secretary of State is traveling to Europe to discuss trade relations with several countries. (国务卿正在前往欧洲,与多个国家讨论贸易关系。)

    • 国务卿正在前往欧洲,与多个国家讨论贸易关系。

    • The Secretary of State is responsible for representing the United States at international conferences and meetings. (国务卿负责代表美国参加国际会议和会谈。)

    • 国务卿负责代表美国参加国际会议和会谈。

    • The Secretary of State is often called upon to mediate disputes between nations. (国务卿经常被要求调停国家之间的争端。)

    • 国务卿经常被要求调停国家之间的争端。

    "secretary of state" 这个短语也可以用作其他国家的政府高级官员的职称。在英国,"secretary of state" 是内阁成员的一种,负责领导政府部门。在澳大利亚,"secretary of state" 又被称为外交部长。

    与 "secretary of state" 相关的近义词包括 "foreign minister" 和 "minister of foreign affairs"。"foreign minister" 是指负责处理国际事务的政府高级官员,这个词在英语中更常用。"minister of foreign affairs" 也是指负责处理国际事务的高级政府官员,但这个词在英语中使用不如 "foreign minister" 那么广泛。

    反义词方面,"secretary of state" 没有一个明确的反义词,但是与之相对的可能是负责国内事务的官员,例如 "secretary of the interior"。

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/secretary+of+state.html
