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Senate Finance Committee是什么意思,Senate Finance Committee的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 参议院财政委员会

  • 例句

  • They are hoping that the Senate Finance Committee will soon release a bill that does better.


  • Yet it is the Senate Finance Committee that still offers a chance for sensible and successful health reform this year.


  • News surfaced this week that Harry Reid, the Democratic majority leader in the Senate, has scolded Max Baucus, head of the Senate Finance Committee, for trying too hard to woo Republican support.


  • The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office produced its assessment of the Senate Finance Committee’s health-care bill .

    无党派属性者的国会预算局发表了对于参议院财政委员会 医疗保健法案 的评语。

  • The Senate Finance Committee floated a plan to renew and expand SCHIP using money raised from new tobacco taxes.


  • One of them, embraced by Senate Finance Committee negotiators, would create nonprofit health-care cooperatives to compete with existing insurers.

    得到了参议院财政委员会(Senate Finance Committee)支持的一个替代方案将设立非营利性的合作社与现有保险商竞争。

  • Senator Grassley is the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, which deals with tax policy.


  • Riddled with budget gimmicks, this proposal's deficit reduction doesn't even pass the laugh test, said Senator Orrin Hatch, the top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee.


  • In the U. S. , the Senate Finance Committee is discussing the issue with the office of the Trade Representative.

    美国参议院财政委员会(Senate Finance Committee)正在与贸易代表办公室讨论这件事情。

  • The bill that recently came out of the Senate Finance Committee illustrates the problem.


  • Another senator, Max Baucus, who chairs the Senate finance committee, says that he expects to see health-care reform legislation proposed in the Senate this week.

    另一位参议院,参议院财务委员会的主席Max Baucus说他预计医保改革法案在本周内会正式向参议院提出。

  • That points yet again to the importance of the bipartisan approach taken by the Senate Finance Committee.


  • The U. S. Senate Finance Committee has approved legislation that would allow Washington to sanction other nations that refuse to adopt more market-based currency policies.


  • As The Economist went to press, hopes were rising that the Senate finance committee might soon produce a bipartisan version of the health bill.


  • After months of delay, Max Baucus, the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, officially released his health-care bill, which is likely to form the basis of any eventual deal.


  • New York Senator Charles Schumer, a member of the Senate Finance Committee, spoke on ABC's This Week program.


  • Last week, a U. S. Senate Finance Committee approved legislation that would allow firms to seek anti-dumping duties against countries with fundamentally misaligned currencies, such as China.


  • THE Senate finance committee will hold hearings on the nomination of Ron Kirk as the US trade representative on Monday March 9th.


  • Senate Finance Committee Chairman Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, likened the minimum wage and estate tax bill to a long-shot bet on racing horses.


  • As the Senate Finance Committee on Tuesday approved a 10-year, $829 billion bill to remake the health-care system, Obama's top advisers and the insurers moved into a more intense stage of conflict.


  • The state’s senior senator, Max Baucus, is particularly influential, since he heads the Senate Finance Committee, which will handle parts of the bill.

    其中之一的高级国会议员,麦克斯·包科斯(MaxBaucus)作为国会财政委员会的首领,分量更是举足轻重。 而财务委员会在议案审理中也起到一定的作用。

  • 网络扩展资料

    Senate Finance Committee(参议院财政委员会)是美国参议院的一个委员会,其主要职责是审议和制定与财政、贸易、保险和社会保障等方面有关的法案。下面将对该词汇进行详细解释。


    • The Senate Finance Committee is responsible for reviewing and approving tax legislation.(参议院财政委员会负责审查并批准税收立法。)
    • The Senate Finance Committee has jurisdiction over matters relating to taxation, debt, customs, and tariffs.(参议院财政委员会对与税收、债务、海关和关税有关的事项具有管辖权。)


    Senate Finance Committee是由参议院选出的一个委员会,由20名成员组成,其中11名民主党人和9名共和党人。该委员会负责审议和制定与财政、贸易、保险和社会保障等方面有关的法案,并对联邦财政政策和税收政策等重大问题提出建议。该委员会的主席由多数党的一名成员担任。


    Senate Finance Committee是美国参议院的一个委员会,其职责包括审议和制定与财政、贸易、保险和社会保障等方面有关的法案。该委员会还负责审查和解决与财政相关的问题,并对联邦财政政策和税收政策等重大问题提出建议。


    • House Ways and Means Committee(众议院财务委员会)


    • Senate Judiciary Committee(参议院司法委员会)

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