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sex fantasy是什么意思,sex fantasy的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 性幻想

  • 例句

  • Most psychologists believe this top 10 female sex fantasy allows a woman to have the wild, dirty sex she craves, without having to suffer the guilt that often follows.


  • Unfortunately, most women are far too body-conscious to experiment with such things, making this a top 10 female sex fantasy, as opposed to a reality.


  • Stamping out Pattaya’s sex industry is fantasy, said Niti Kongrut, the director of the Pattaya branch of the Thai government’s tourism office.


  • Plastic surgery may contribute to a biologized view of sex where pleasure and fantasy matter less than the anatomical “truth” of the bare body.


  • Add to this ideas promulgated by religious groups in which transgressive sex is sinful even as a fantasy.


  • It talks about the confusion of the teenagers towards sex and relationships, and the fantasy towards the sexy and beautiful.

    它刻划了青年人对性的迷惑与及人与人之间的关系, 以及他们对性感及美丽的女人的遐想。

  • Inspired by his two-year relationship with salacious model Amber Rose, the song blurs the line between fantasy and reality, sex and romance, love and religion, until no lines exist at all.


  • Women are more open to sexual experimentation and are more likely to have experience in fantasy-sharing and explicit conversation during sex, according to new survey conducted by Good in Bed with K-Y.


  • At first, we just enjoyed using the fantasy as fodder for our dirty talk during sex or for sexy phone calls when I traveled for work.


  • Is sex good for your health—or is that just a fantasy?


  • Fantasy play can also be incorporated into a game forbetter sex.


  • 网络扩展资料

    性幻想(sex fantasy)是指性方面的想象或幻想,由于性幻想具有私密性和个人化,因此很难准确定义。以下是一些常见的例句和用法:

    • I have a lot of sex fantasies that I would never share with anyone.(我有很多性幻想,我永远不会与任何人分享。)
    • His sex fantasies involve being dominated by a powerful woman.(他的性幻想涉及被一位有权势的女性支配。)
    • She acted out her sex fantasy with her partner, but it didn't live up to her expectations.(她与伴侣一起实现了她的性幻想,但是并没有达到她的期望。)


    • 性幻想可以是一个人或者多个人的性愿望的想象,通常在一个人的脑海中发生。
    • 近义词包括性幻觉、性幻梦、性幻想曲等。
    • 反义词可能包括现实性、性冷淡等。


    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/sex%2Bfantasy.html
