strain hardening是什么意思,strain hardening的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句
The steel reinforcement is represented by a bilinear strain hardening model.
The model includes the effect of strain rate sensitivity, strain softening and strain hardening.
Thirdly, plastic strain ratio and strain hardening index are the two key parameters of material's formability.
The results show that the stress-strain relationship of geotextile-reinforced fillings is of strain hardening.
When it accumulated to a higher degree, the specimen began to shear and dilate after a short time of strain hardening.
单词 "strain hardening" 是一个复合词,由 "strain" 和 "hardening" 两个单词组成。下面将详细解释这两个单词的含义以及该词汇的用法、近义词和反义词。
1. "strain" 的含义和用法
"Strain" 是一个动词,意为拉紧、拉伸或扭曲。在物理学和工程学领域中,"strain" 还可以指物体受力后的形变程度,即形变量。例如:
- The metal plate was strained due to excessive weight. (由于过重,金属板被拉伸了。)
- The strain on the bridge was too much for it to bear. (桥上的拉力超过了它的承载能力。)
"Strain" 还可以用作名词,表示拉紧、拉伸或扭曲的状态。例如:
- The strain on the fabric caused it to tear. (面料拉伸过度导致了它的撕裂。)
- The athlete felt a strain in his leg after the race. (运动员比赛后感到腿部拉伤。)
2. "hardening" 的含义和用法
"Hardening" 是一个名词,意为硬化或使变硬。在材料科学领域中,"hardening" 还可以指材料受力后的硬化程度。例如:
- The hardening of the steel made it more durable. (钢材的硬化使其更加耐用。)
- The hardening of the clay made it difficult to mold. (粘土的硬化使其难以成型。)
3. "strain hardening" 的含义和用法
"Strain hardening" 是指材料在受到外力拉伸或形变之后变得更加坚硬和耐用的过程。这种过程也被称为 "冷加工硬化"。例如:
- The strain hardening of the metal increased its strength. (金属的冷加工硬化提高了它的强度。)
- The strain hardening of the plastic made it more resistant to deformation. (塑料的冷加工硬化使其更加抗变形。)
4. 近义词和反义词
"Strain hardening" 的近义词是 "cold working" 或 "cold deformation",反义词是 "annealing",即 "退火" 过程,即通过高温处理来降低材料的硬度和强度。