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to one's heart's content是什么意思,to one's heart's content的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 尽情地

  • 例句

  • At his side when I to one's heart's content, like him, the other scenery is redundant.


  • She eats to one's heart's content, see mother look cheerful smile from the heart, to face.


  • After smiling to one's heart's content, he will feel face muscle pain and his heart spasm.

    笑容尽情绽放以后面部肌肉会酸痛,心脏也会痉挛。 分享给你的朋友吧。

  • This time, she will be to one's heart's content smile, as if he were her whole world.


  • Dot got a kind of disease, what disease is the country calls to one's heart's content the needle?

    酣针表现为不喜欢吃饭,小孩子得了一种病, 农村叫酣针是什么病?

  • Although time has been long houses, some old, but good lighting and rent is low, there is a place for shelter but also to one's heart's content.


  • Eight twenty fireworks over the crowd gradually dispersed we followed the crowd to one's heart's content to go home.


  • My hand drum to one's heart's content sings, sings the unhappy new life.


  • Who looks into the distance from a high place by far missing, the warm sunlight lets me to one's heart's content fantasize, outside nine days are that most dazzling rays.


  • Disport oneself to one's heart's content.


  • My hand drum to one's heart's content sings, happy song acoustic shock mountains and rivers.


  • What does a garden in your mind mean, one's private obsession to one's heart's content or a place for free expression of one's physical desire?


  • From the sentence Beat drums and dance to one's heart content, the combination of drum and dance not only produces various forms, but also encourages people to unite and struggle forward.


  • Do you know that to eat to one's heart content was once a dream of Chinese people?


  • We can bomb and maim and torture to our heart's content, one old agency hand explains, because only the terrorists are willing to stand up to us, and their opinion doesn't matter.


  • In a field one summer's day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart's content.

    夏日的一天,一只蚱蜢正在一块庄稼地上蹦来跳去,无忧无虑地唱着歌。 这时,一只蚂蚁从它身边爬过。

  • Heinz: In a field one summer's day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart's content.


  • In a field one summer's day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart's content.


  • I feel very comfortable at home parties, for every one else around are my good friends, and I can eat and drink to my heart's content , said Susan.


  • 网络扩展资料



    • She danced to her heart's content at the party. (她在聚会上尽情地跳舞。)
    • He played video games to his heart's content all weekend. (他整个周末都在尽情地玩电子游戏。)
    • The children are allowed to run around and play to their heart's content in the park. (孩子们被允许在公园里尽情奔跑和玩耍。)

    该短语的近义词包括:to one's fill、to one's satisfaction、to one's liking等。

    反义词为:with restraint、with moderation等。


    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/to+one%27s+heart%27s+content.html
