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Humphrey Bogart是什么意思,Humphrey Bogart的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 亨弗莱·鲍嘉(美国电影演员)

  • 例句

  • But, Spencer told his friend Humphrey Bogart, he didn't think he could go through with it.


  • Co-star Humphrey Bogart was dismissive of her, but William Holden and she got along famously — very famously.


  • Humphrey Bogart chooses to wear his first groom's ring when he is married-for the fifth, and final time-to Lauren Bacall.


  • The African Queen, starring Humphrey Bogart and Katharine Hepburn and shot on location in Uganda and Congo, has aged particularly well.


  • Dad wore an old brown Stetson, and with one side of the oily brim cocked over his eye, he had the sharp, don't-talk-back-to-me look of Humphrey Bogart in High Sierra.

    我爸头戴破旧的斯台特森牌棕色宽边呢帽,油腻腻帽檐的一边歪在他的一只眼睛上方,他有一副不许回嘴的精明厉害的神态,就像电影《高岭》中的汉弗莱- 博嘎特那个模样。

  • 网络扩展资料

    Humphrey Bogart是美国电影史上最著名的男演员之一,活跃于20世纪30年代至50年代。他的电影作品包括《马尔他之鹰》、《卡萨布兰卡》和《非洲女王》等经典作品。他因其硬汉形象和深沉嗓音而备受欢迎,被誉为好莱坞黄金时期的代表性人物之一。

    以下是一些关于Humphrey Bogart的单词解释:

    • Cynical (adj.): 怀疑的,冷嘲热讽的。例句:Humphrey Bogart's characters often had a cynical outlook on life. (Humphrey Bogart的角色通常对生活持怀疑态度。)

    • Charismatic (adj.): 有号召力的,有吸引力的。例句:Humphrey Bogart was a charismatic actor who captivated audiences with his performances. (Humphrey Bogart是一个有吸引力的演员,他的表演吸引了观众。)

    • Iconic (adj.): 标志性的,代表性的。例句:Humphrey Bogart is an iconic actor who is still remembered and celebrated today. (Humphrey Bogart是一个标志性的演员,他至今仍然被人们铭记和赞颂。)

    • Mystery (n.): 神秘,谜。例句:Many of Humphrey Bogart's films were mystery thrillers that kept audiences on the edge of their seats. (Humphrey Bogart的许多电影都是神秘惊悚片,让观众坐立不安。)

    • Tough (adj.): 坚强的,强硬的。例句:Humphrey Bogart's tough guy persona made him a popular leading man in Hollywood. (Humphrey Bogart的硬汉形象使他成为好莱坞备受欢迎的男主角。)

    以上是一些与Humphrey Bogart相关的单词解释,供参考。

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/Humphrey+Bogart.html
