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economic prosperity是什么意思,economic prosperity的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • [经] 经济繁荣;发展生产

  • 例句

  • The question is when will the benefits of economic prosperity trickle down for common folks to feel the difference.


  • Still, maybe my Chinese students were right and, in time, globalization, freedom to travel, and economic prosperity will lead to more civil liberties.


  • Lentils look like tiny coins, and they expand while cooking, so many believe they represent economic prosperity in the new year.


  • It is our common wish to seek sustained world peace and global economic prosperity.


  • Governments and citizens must have confidence that the networks at the core of their national security and economic prosperity are safe and resilient.


  • On the one hand, urbanization can promote economic prosperity and social progress.


  • With the development of economic prosperity traffic cause fierce developed driving on the highway traffic traffic accidents frequently come into our lives to face directly but is unable to avoid.


  • The environment effects were at the time either not understood, or regarded as an acceptable cost of economic prosperity in an increasingly import-oriented world economy.


  • As to society, it influences the economic prosperity and stability of society.


  • But what really interests him is the way in which the growth of Christianity and economic prosperity have happened side by side.


  • Those who think that advertising is bad must think again about the value of a market system which thrives on economic prosperity.


  • It's a nation progressing — in fits and starts — toward political stability and economic prosperity.


  • In the race to develop the most powerful computers, both our economic prosperity and our national security are on the line.


  • Other Nobel laureates will also sovereign debt crisis as economic prosperity of the killer.


  • So, Paul Krugman jumps from blasting savings as a bane to economic prosperity to then suggesting that savings is the only reason why our dependence on Chinese financiers is no longer as relevant.


  • He is quoted as saying China can not win by achieving economic prosperity at the cost of the environment.


  • 同义词

  • |economic boom;[经]经济繁荣;发展生产

  • 网络扩展资料

    economic (形容词)

    • 解释: 与经济有关的,涉及到财富、资源和贸易的。
    • 例句:
      • The government is implementing new economic policies to boost growth. (政府正在实施新的经济政策以促进增长。)
      • Economic development is crucial for the well-being of society. (经济发展对社会福利至关重要。)
    • 同义词: financial, monetary, commercial
    • 反义词: non-economic, unprofitable

    prosperity (名词)

    • 解释: 富裕、繁荣,指经济上的繁荣和财富的增加。
    • 例句:
      • The country has enjoyed a period of great prosperity. (这个国家经历了一个繁荣的时期。)
      • Economic prosperity is often accompanied by social stability. (经济繁荣往往伴随着社会稳定。)
    • 同义词: affluence, wealth, success
    • 反义词: poverty, recession, depression

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/economic+prosperity.html
