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  • n. 民族生态学;民俗生态学

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    Ethnoecology(民族生态学) is a field of study that examines the relationship between humans and their environment from a cultural perspective. It is a combination of two words, "ethno" which refers to a cultural group or ethnicity, and "ecology" which refers to the study of the environment.

    In ethnoecology, researchers study how different cultures perceive, use, and manage their natural resources. This includes understanding how cultural beliefs, traditions, and practices shape human interactions with the environment. Ethnoecologists also examine the impact of environmental changes on different cultures and how they adapt to these changes.

    Definition and Pronunciation

    Ethnoecology (noun): the study of the relationship between humans and their environment from a cultural perspective.

    Pronunciation: /ˌɛθnəʊiˈkɒlədʒi/

    Usage and Examples

    • Ethnoecology is an interdisciplinary field that combines anthropology, ecology, and environmental science.

    • The ethnoecologist conducted interviews with the local community to understand their traditional knowledge of plant use.

    • The study of ethnoecology has become increasingly important in the face of global climate change and the loss of biodiversity.

    • Ethnoecology can help us understand how different cultures view and value nature, and this knowledge can inform conservation efforts.

    Synonyms and Antonyms

    Synonyms: Cultural ecology, traditional ecological knowledge

    Antonyms: Environmental degradation, unsustainable practices

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