flexural stiffness是什么意思,flexural stiffness的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句
n. 抗弯刚度;抗挠刚度
It depends on the elastic foundation of the matrix and the flexural stiffness of fibers.
Based on the tested results, the formulae for calculating flexural bearing capacity and flexural stiffness of LACFST are suggested.
This study investigates the short-term flexural stiffness and the cracking property in a new emerging cold-formed thin-wall steel reinforced concrete slab.
The rational determination of the flexural stiffness and the shearing stiffness of concrete filled steel tube is very important in the deformation calculations.
The flexural bearing capacity and flexural stiffness of LACFST are calculated using the formula of existing criterions, which are compared with the tested values.
n.|flexural rigidity/bending rigidity;抗弯刚度;抗挠刚度
Flexural stiffness是由两个单词组合而成的术语。Flexural表示“弯曲的”,stiffness则表示“刚度”。因此,flexural stiffness可以理解为材料或结构在弯曲时的刚度。以下是对这两个单词的详细解释、用法、近义词和反义词等。
- 解释:flexural是一个形容词,指的是材料或结构在外力作用下发生弯曲的性质。
- 例句:
- The flexural strength of the beam depends on its cross-sectional shape.(这个梁的弯曲强度取决于其横截面的形状。)
- The flexural modulus of the material determines how much it will bend under stress.(材料的弯曲模量决定了它在受力下会弯曲多少。)
- 近义词:bending、curvature
- 反义词:rigid、inflexible
- 解释:stiffness是一个名词,指的是材料或结构对外力的抵抗能力,即不易发生形变的能力。
- 例句:
- The stiffness of the steel beam makes it ideal for supporting heavy loads.(钢梁的刚度使其成为支撑重载的理想选择。)
- Increasing the stiffness of the material can improve its load-bearing capacity.(提高材料的刚度可以改善其承载能力。)
- 近义词:rigidity、firmness
- 反义词:flexibility、pliability
Flexural Stiffness
- 解释:flexural stiffness是指材料或结构在弯曲时的刚度。它是由材料的弯曲模量和横截面惯性矩共同决定的。
- 例句:
- The flexural stiffness of the wooden board is not sufficient for use as a floor joist.(木板的弯曲刚度不足以用作地板横梁。)
- The flexural stiffness of the steel beam is critical to the stability of the building.(钢梁的弯曲刚度对建筑的稳定性至关重要。)
- 近义词:flexural rigidity
- 反义词:flexural flexibility
总之,flexural stiffness是一个重要的材料或结构参数,特别是在设计需要承受弯曲力的构件时。了解这两个术语的含义和用法有助于有效地评估和选择材料或结构。
英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/flexural+stiffness.html