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genetic predisposition是什么意思,genetic predisposition的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 遗传素质

  • 例句

  • It's also possible, he said, that those who died had an underlying genetic predisposition or condition.


  • Although environmental influences are important in the development of asthma, there is a strong genetic predisposition .


  • Objective:To investigate the genetic predisposition of the encoding genes for angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) and angiotensinogen (AGT) in essential hypertension (EH) in Chinese Han population.


  • They hypothesized that individuals with a genetic predisposition toward seeking out new experiences would tend to be more liberal.


  • Is political ideology derived from a person's social environment or is it a result of genetic predisposition?

    一个人的政治思想是从哪里来的呢? 是个人所处的社会环境,还是基因决定的结果?

  • Obviously something is priming the risk, and it looks like that may be a genetic predisposition.


  • University of Chicago colleagues the main focus on lonely or social isolation mother of breast cancer to form a genetic predisposition to the impact.


  • People become alcoholics not because they have a possible genetic predisposition only, but because of the influence of their parents or friends.


  • But some people can do everything right and still develop osteoporosis if they have a strong genetic predisposition.


  • We all have our own vulnerabilities for depression, based on our life experiences, health conditions, substance use, and genetic predisposition.


  • Supporters of the UK project hope that in future doctors will be able accurately to pinpoint a person's risk of developing a particular disease, based on their genetic predisposition.


  • There will be an increasing number of people with a genetic predisposition towards religion but who lead secular lives.


  • AMD is a complex disease caused by the combination of environmental factors and genetic predisposition.


  • She developed breast cancer at the age of 37, leading the researchers to believe she had a genetic predisposition to the cancer.


  • IT IS well known that many sorts of cancer run in families; in other words you get them (or, at least, a genetic predisposition towards them) from your parents.


  • The most commonly implicated causes of obesity are well known: poor diet, lack of physical activity, and genetic predisposition.


  • The researchers also found that people who have a genetic predisposition to anxiety do not tend to avoid coffee.


  • Ecogenetic disorder --- A disorder resulting from the interaction of a genetic predisposition to a specific disease with an environmental factor.


  • But the Human Genome Project has expanded the prospects for investigating links between diet and genetic predisposition to disease.


  • His father, with whom he was very close, died of heart disease at 58. Kurzweil inherited his father's genetic predisposition; he also developed Type 2 diabetes when he was 35.


  • These findings suggest that evident genetic predisposition, atypical clinical manifestations, serious renal injury and the worse prognosis are the characteristics of male SLE.

    提示男性SLE遗传倾向更为明显 ,临床表现不典型 ,肾脏损害更为严重 ,预后较差。

  • This confirms the occurrence of schizophrenia-related genes in brain function and human origin by positive selection resulting in genetic predisposition hypothesis.


  • And a genetic predisposition to obesity can be counteracted by exercise.


  • The DNA from a single human hair, for example, may be sufficient to alert a prospective employer or health insurer to a person's genetic predisposition to disease.


  • 同义词

  • |id/genetic constitution;遗传素质

  • 网络扩展资料

    单词: genetic predisposition

    解释: 遗传易感性是指一个人在接触到某些疾病或状况的环境因素后,由于其基因组的特定构成而更容易患上该疾病或产生该状况的倾向性。这种倾向性是由遗传基因决定的,而不是由环境因素决定的。


    • My father had a genetic predisposition to heart disease. (我父亲有心脏病的遗传易感性。)

    • 由于基因构成的特殊性,我父亲更容易患上心脏病。

    • The study found that a genetic predisposition to obesity was common in the families of the obese participants. (研究发现,肥胖参与者家庭中普遍存在肥胖的遗传易感性。)

    • 研究发现,肥胖者的家庭普遍存在肥胖的遗传易感性。

    用法: 遗传易感性通常用于描述某些疾病或状况的遗传风险。它可以是生物学家、遗传学家、医学研究人员和医生等专业人士所关心的一个问题。

    近义词: 遗传倾向、遗传风险、遗传易感性倾向。

    反义词: 环境易感性、后天易感性。

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/genetic+predisposition.html
