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    Hormonogenesis(荷尔蒙合成)is a noun that refers to the process of hormone production in living organisms. The word consists of two root words - "hormone" and "genesis". The word can be pronounced as "hawr-muh-noh-jen-uh-sis".


    Hormonogenesis is the process by which hormones are produced and secreted by specialized cells or glands within a living organism. Hormones are chemical messengers that regulate various physiological processes such as growth, development, metabolism, reproduction, and behavior.


    Hormonogenesis is a complex process that involves the synthesis, transport, and secretion of hormones. Hormone synthesis occurs in specialized cells or glands known as endocrine glands. These glands produce hormones by converting precursor molecules into active hormones through a series of enzymatic reactions.

    Hormones are then transported throughout the body by the bloodstream or lymphatic system to their target organs or tissues. Once they reach their target, hormones bind to specific receptors on the surface of cells and trigger a cascade of intracellular events that ultimately lead to the physiological response.

    Example Sentences

    • Hormonogenesis is a vital process that ensures proper physiological functioning.(荷尔蒙合成是确保生理正常运作的重要过程。)

    • Abnormal hormonogenesis can lead to a variety of health problems.(异常的荷尔蒙合成可能导致各种健康问题。)


    • Hormone production(荷尔蒙产生)

    • Hormone synthesis(荷尔蒙合成)


    • Hormone degradation(荷尔蒙降解)

    • Hormone inhibition(荷尔蒙抑制)

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/hormonogenesis.html
