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means of communication是什么意思,means of communication的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 通信手段

  • 例句

  • The radio traffic is the only means of communication.


  • It is a means of communication that is so real and sincere.


  • Today’s electronic means of communication — and the changing attitudes of some scholars — have moved slang from the realm of the spoken word to the written word with a greater degree of acceptance.

    今天的电子通信手段,以及一些学者正在转变的态度,已经使俚语走出口语王国,进入书面世界,为更多的人所接受。 本文简述了这一变化。

  • Business English as a primary means of communication and media in this process played a crucial role.


  • The user benefits of SMS are low cost, alerting and notification capabilities, and an off-line and non-intrusive means of communication.

    用户好处短讯是低成本,报警和通知的能力, 离线式和非侵入性的通信手段。

  • And mothers are using every means of communication available to build the strong communities and networks of family and friends that they need.


  • The only means of communication is the only phone in the village administration.


  • This, however, means that a claim to support SOAP as a means of communication can only refer to message format, not to transport protocol or payload format.


  • So if all you want is this procedural means of communication, then RPC may be for you.


  • E-mail is an superb means of communication, but people usually have to check for viruses before opening the files, because viruses easily get into the computer via email.


  • The intelligentized technology gives the sensor a brain, and therefore the sensor has the ability to process data. Meanwhile, the network technology gives the sensor means of communication.


  • His means of communication - singing the poems or hymns he had composed extempore - was all his own.


  • In addition to raw file I/O, memory-mapped files provide a powerful means of communication between processes.


  • Smarter means of communication between man—particularly paralysed man—and machine are being devised all the time, so that may yet change.


  • “It’s an arcane means of communication, which for the most part should be abolished, ” she told me.


  • Mobile phone is an effective means of communication.


  • The economist and the environmentalist had no means of communication, regardless of valuable efforts they had mad.


  • E-mail, a kind of electronic which means of communication to provide information exchange, is the most extensive network application services.


  • Network layer encryption as a means of communication protection has been more and more valued by users.


  • Rather, they are a means of communication between disparate software applications.


  • Using ingenuity and quick thinking, with wireless as the only means of communication, they arranged for food to be cooked in large quantities and brought in from the neighboring districts.


  • 网络扩展资料

    Means of communication refers to the various ways or methods through which people can exchange information or share ideas with one another. In today's fast-paced world, there are numerous means of communication available to us, including:

    • Telephone: A device used for transmitting sound over long distances, typically by converting electrical signals into audible sound waves.

      Example: 我们可以通过电话这种通讯手段来联系。

    • Email: A digital message sent and received through the internet.

      Example: 他通过电子邮件与客户保持联系。

    • Text message: A short message sent from one mobile phone to another.

      Example: 我给他发了一条短信,告诉他我晚点到。

    • Instant messaging: A form of real-time communication between two or more people over the internet.

      Example: 我们可以通过即时通讯来交流想法。

    • Social media: Online platforms that allow users to create, share, and/or exchange information and ideas.

      Example: 很多人都用社交媒体来发布消息和交流。

    These are just a few examples of the many means of communication available to us.


    Means of communication is a commonly used term in both formal and informal contexts. It is often used when discussing the different ways people communicate with one another, whether it be in personal or professional settings.


    • Communication methods
    • Communication channels
    • Communication tools


    • Isolation
    • Silence
    • Non-communication

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