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October Revolution是什么意思,October Revolution的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 俄国十月革命

  • 例句

  • In which month do Russians celebrate the October Revolution?


  • It was while at university that he began to write short stories, and drafted the plan for an immense Tolstoyan novel intended to celebrate the October revolution.


  • In the influence of the Russian October Revolution, it accepted and propagandized Marxist state theory and realized the revolutionary transformation of the state concept.


  • In Russia before the October Revolution, feudalism was strong, and it was with the support of the peasant masses that the Bolshevik Party won victory in the revolution.


  • The Chinese revolution is a continuation of the great October Revolution.


  • There have been other wars of jig-saw pattern in history, the three years' civil war in Russia after the October Revolution being a case in point.


  • After October revolution, most of them couldn't change their roles and eventually were replaced by soviet, and Russian local self-government ended temporarily.


  • The October Revolution and the Chinese revolution, the Soviet Union's success is further proof of this ideology, one size fits all practicality.

    而苏联十月革命和中国革命的成功则进一步证明了这一思想体系“ 放之四海而皆准”的实践性。

  • That the victory of October Revolution and establishment of Third International had a profound effect on the development direction of Chinese revolution in modern times.


  • New propagation of certain new ideas such as the October Revolution of Russia, Marxism and Non-governmentalism decreased the role mentioned above.


  • It was precisely because Lenin built such a fine party that the October Revolution triumphed and that the first socialist country was created.


  • This paragraph relates to the October Revolution.


  • During the October Revolution Lenin and the Party he led once planed to carry out a pohtical system marked by the multi-party co-operation.


  • It proposed the creative strategy of encircling the cities from the countryside and taking the path of the October Revolution while adopting different methods.


  • Before October revolution, the Islamism dissemination and development is lopsided in Central Asia- from south to north gradual die down - for the society and history condition dissimilarity.


  • Even Lenin was forced to enter into Brest-Litovsk Treaty with Germany at the time of October Revolution.


  • Depressingly, this was a smaller share than on the eve of the October revolution of 1917, when a quarter of the population was estimated to have been middle-class.


  • Following the collapse of Imperial Russia after the October Revolution, Estonia declared itself an independent republic on 24 February 1918.


  • Western Marxism was born in 1920s, and was based on the reflection of the success of October Revolution in Russia and the failure of revolution in Western Europe.


  • After the victory of October Revolution, Lenin explored a new way of building socialism by utilizing capitalism in a country where a small-scale peasant economy is the dominant economy form.


  • This is also the symbol of the October Revolution.


  • 网络扩展资料

    "October Revolution"是指1917年俄国发生的一次政治革命,由列宁领导的布尔什维克党推翻了临时政府并建立了社会主义政权。"October Revolution"直接导致了苏联的建立。


    下面是一些"October Revolution"这个词组的例句和用法:

    • The October Revolution was a turning point in Russian history.("October Revolution"是俄罗斯历史上的转折点。)
    • The October Revolution led to the establishment of the Soviet Union.("October Revolution"导致了苏联的建立。)
    • The Bolsheviks seized power during the October Revolution.(布尔什维克党在"October Revolution"期间夺取了政权。)

    "October Revolution"没有近义词或反义词,因为它是一个特定的历史事件的名称。

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/october+revolution.html
