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vent on someone是什么意思,vent on someone的意思翻译、用法、同义词、例句



  • 拿某人泄愤

  • 例句

  • If you need to vent, talk with someone or write your feelings down on a piece of paper and then throw it away.


  • Let go. If you need to vent talk with someone or write your feelings down on a piece of paper and then throw it away.


  • Let go. If you need to vent, talk with someone or write your feelings down on a piece of paper and then throw it away.


  • They mosey on to the coffee machine grunting under their breath, and once there they find someone to vent on.


  • 网络扩展资料


    • vent:动词,表示发泄或释放情感或压力的行为。例如:

      • She needed to vent her frustration after a long day at work. (她需要发泄一下在工作了一整天后的挫败感。)

      • He vented his anger on his coworkers. (他向同事发泄了他的愤怒。)

    • on:介词,表示在某人或某事物上的状态或行为。例如:

      • She put the blame on him for the accident. (她把事故的责任归咎于他。)

      • He always relies on his friends for support. (他总是依靠他的朋友们给予支持。)

    • someone:代词,指代某个人。例如:

      • Someone left their bag on the train. (有人把他们的包落在了火车上。)

      • Is there someone who can help me with this problem? (有人能帮我解决这个问题吗?)

    因此,vent on someone表示将情感或压力发泄到某个人身上。 这个短语通常有负面的含义,因为它暗示着将情感或压力转嫁给了别人,而不是积极地处理它们。

    以下是一些与vent on someone相关的近义词和反义词:

    • 近义词:take out on someone、unload on someone、pour out on someone

    • 反义词:keep to oneself、deal with alone、manage one's emotions


    • She had a terrible day at work and decided to vent her frustrations on her husband when she got home. (她在工作中度过了一段可怕的日子,决定回家后向她的丈夫发泄她的挫败感。)

    • He was upset about losing the game, so he vented his anger on his teammates. (他因为输掉比赛而感到失落,于是向队友发泄了他的愤怒。)

    英语单词大全 请记住链接:https://danci.yuesha.com/vent+on+someone.html
